Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Role of Lease Financing in Bangladesh

Introduction Lease financing is comparatively a new concept in the financial sector and has got recognition as aninnovative source of finance for accelerating the pace of industrialization as well as economic growth of  Bangladesh. Leasing companies have registered substantial growth in lease financing during the year 1985through 1994.Since 1995 to date, growth in lease market has significantly slowed down because of sluggisheconomic activities, withdrawal of incentives by the government, imposition of cash resource requirementwith Bangladesh Bank as per Finance Act 1998, expansion of number of leasing institutions, lack of  diversification of service and of awareness in business community about leasing etc. Researchers have alsofound that leasing companies need to develop their professionals and should come in the market with newmarketing strategy. BackgroundBangladesh is a least developed country in the world with per capita GDP Tk. 11. 284 (USD 230). She suffersfrom poverty, i mperfection in both, factor and product market, continuous in equilibrium in the economy,defective administrative structure in both financial and non-financial sector, inappropriate tax structure,heavy dependence on assistance from World Bank including other International Lending Agencies andDonor Countries, lack of capital stock, massive unemployment, political turmoil and unhealthy environmentfor investment.With the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent country in 1971, the thenGovernment nationalized all commercial Banks with the hope of accelerating industrial growth throughfinancial, fiscal and other supports. Since the inception of independent Bangladesh, Commercial Banks,Development Financial Institutions and Investment Corporation of Bangladesh have been the major sourcesof industrial finance in the country. These Banks were predominately serving the public sector by extendingsupport in the form of long term loan, working capital finance, bridge finance etc. and had limi ted experiencein trade, commerce and industry.Due to dearth of experience in investment decision, project financing,recovery of loan and recycle of loan, both entrepreneurs and Banking Financial Institutions coupled withdifficulties at every stage of development and accomplishment which ultimately led to the emergence of  many sick industries. The Development Financial Institutions (DFI s) that depend largely on external assistance suffer fromfinancial constrains because of ineffective project appraisal. Imprudent investment decisions, poor recoveryand inability to recycle of loan which resulted in withdrawal of fund by international donors.As a result of  poor performance and withdrawal of external support, the liquidity position of DFI s have declined and abilityof sanctioning fresh loan and of refinancing sick industries reduced. Nationalized commercial Banks areusually reluctant to finance capital expenditure due to higher financial risk and poor recovery and designedto prom ote the nonproductive sectors. Besides, their loan operation was substantially diminished due toadditional cash reserve requirement imposed by Bangladesh Bank in order to curb inflation. Consequently,genuine industrial clients are affected by their limited access to the long-term local currency loan.Thiscontention is evident from the fact that the private sector remains in massive default to the DFI s and NCB s,90% of borrowers to DFI s are in defaulting and recovery rates are as low as 10% of the total recoverableamount. On the other hand, Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), the only stock market of Bangladesh is not wellorganized and therefore failed to mobilize sufficient fund to meet the demand of the capital market of thecountry. During 1972-84, public sector financial institutions were found totally failure in developing industrialsector and promoting first generation of industrial entrepreneurs

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Teen Suicide and Bullying

Bullying is a worldwide problem that can be linked to teen suicide. The third leading cause of death in youth is suicide, which results in nearly 4,400 deaths per year (Centers for Disease Control, 2012). At least half of these deaths are caused by bullying. Although bullying is still seen by many to be a normal part of growing up, it is a severe problem that leads to many negative effects, including suicide. Unfortunately, there is not a definitive solution to this problem.However, there are multiple ways to help teens who are contemplating suicide due to bullying: seeking immediate medical help, encouraging teens to talk, parents keeping communication open, and by parents communicating with school authorities. Bullying is a form of abuse that is displayed toward the victim which forms an unhealthy relationship. This relationship consists of the bully having continual control of the victim’s life for an extended period of time. It gives the bully a sense of empowerment that t hey continue to feed off of.This is much different from school aged aggression that typically has a one-time occurrence, such as fighting or teasing between friends. Conversely, bullying can lead to suicide. Bully related suicide can be connected to any type of bullying, whether it is physical bullying, emotional bullying, cyber bullying, sexting, or even the circulating of suggestive photos of a person. Sadly, over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide and almost seven percent have actually attempted it. The power obtained by the bully over the victim can be devastating and can lead to many negative effects.Bullying can lead to poor mental health such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Nearly 160,000 children stay home from school every day due to fear of torment by other students. This causes the students grades to drop and adds to the victim’s sense of failure. These effects can become so debilitating that the victim may turn to suicide as their way of ending the internal pain. Emotional pain felt by the victim can become so overwhelming that they believe the only way out is through suicide. They may feel as if no one cares or that it would be pointless to reach out to someone because it might even make things worse.Sadly, many times victims feel that they are alone and no one could possibly understand what they are going through. In the case of Amanda Todd, she was bullied and ridiculed at school and online to the point where she felt she could no longer live. Unfortunately, she experienced verbal, physical, and emotional pain at the hands of her peers including people she believed liked her. She was tortured on a daily basis and felt there was no way out. Amanda changed schools as an attempt to end the torment. Unfortunately, as in many cases, the bullying followed her.Amanda attempted suicide on a couple of occasions. She tried reaching out by posting a video on YouTube telling her story. Sadly, a week later she co mmitted suicide. Amanda Todd was a victim to one of the cruelest forms of abuse that is happening today all over the world. Could her suicide have been prevented? According to reports, many of Amanda’s peers did not notice any signs of this struggle. However, she cried out for help not only through her video posted on the internet, but well before that by her multiple attempts of suicide.It may have been possible to save her life if there were more awareness brought to her community on bullying and suicide. If people knew what signs to look for and would have noticed the red flags just from sheer knowledge, Amanda Todd may have received the help she wanted and so badly needed. Although there is no definitive solution to the problem of teen suicide from bullying, there are several ways to prevent a majority of this from happening. One extremely important way to help a teen who is suicidal is to immediately seek medical attention.Doctors and medical professionals are able to fi nd problems that others cannot see. They provide hope for teens contemplating ending their lives. Medical professionals are able to diagnose underlying conditions that are typically found in youth who are at risk for suicidal tendencies. Most mental health disorders, such as depression, can be treated. Not only can these professionals diagnose and treat illnesses but they can also provide teens and parents with resources and useful information. Another great way to prevent teen suicide is to encourage them to talk.Suppressing thoughts and feelings, typically makes things worse. Therefore, getting teens to open up and talk is a great way for them to relieve their burdened hearts. Having them verbalize their thoughts and feelings helps them and others to have a better understanding of what they are going through. Likewise, when a teen is being bullied it is important that they express how they have been hurt. It creates an awareness of the problem which can lead to finding a solution. Sometimes, when a teen is thinking about suicide, what they really want is someone to listen to them.They just want to know that they are not alone. One of the best things a parent can do is keep the lines of communication open with their children. It becomes increasingly important throughout the teen years as they experience many changes such as emotional, physical and hormonal. Communication between parent and child is crucial for the child to feel comfortable opening up to them and discussing any problem they may be having. Being involved allows this team to identify the existence of bullying and suicidal thoughts along with other problems.Connor and Rueter (2006) found that a warm and supportive relationship, especially with the father, shielded a teen from emotional distress and suicidal tendencies. Most importantly, communication and openness can be a deterrent to suicide. When a teen communicates that they are being bullied it is helpful for parents to discuss it with school authorities stop existing problems. This is another way to help prevent teen suicide due to bullying. Since a majority of bullying takes place on or near school campuses, it is the school’s responsibility along with the parents to take action in addressing situations as such.School authorities can help monitor a teen that is in distress and offer great resources to help solve the issues they may facing. By parents communicating with the teen’s school, they can share their ideas and find what works best for the community and their students to stop bullying and prevent teen suicide. Bullying is a major problem happening to teens all over the world. Although there is not a definitive solution to bullying and the connection to teen suicide, there are many preventive measures that can be taken. Seeking immediate medical help for teens who want to commit suicide can be life changing.Encouraging teens to talk will allow them to express their thoughts and feelings instead of internalizing them. Likewise, parents can help prevent teen suicide by keeping the lines of communication open. It lets teens take comfort in knowing they have someone to talk to. When bullying and thoughts of suicide become a part of a teen’s life, it is important that the parent speaks to school authorities. This enables the school and parents to team up against the problems. Anyone can play a part in saving a life by working together to prevent teen suicide from bullying.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Come up with a plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Come up with a plan - Essay Example Establishing a high completion/proficiency percentage shows me that the students are progressing in knowledge because they are accomplishing the tasks assigned through differentiation. To accomplish this goal, I will first determine what students know about the unit of instruction before I begin to teach it. These diagnostic tests will show me where students should begin their studies. The class is stratified roughly into three categories (Above, At and Below Grade Level). I will anticipate the diagnostic test showing the strengths and weaknesses of students across these categories. Based on the results of the diagnostic, students will be allowed to self-select multiple learning activities that have been developed for their current level of understanding. Allowing students to self-select provides a level of intrinsic motivation that dictated assignments do not, especially for students that struggle to learn or who possess negative attitudes towards authority. Students working above g rade level will be provided with opportunities to conduct semi-guided research, interview individuals in the community that have strong links to a particular topic in the unit of study or attend to a project that deepens their understanding of the unit.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Thinkers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Thinkers - Essay Example This shift from mythic to rational mentality can be characterized as a movement from Who and Why questions about the cosmos to What and How questions. This shift occurred in part as a side-effect of frustration with the irreconcilable conflict of answers to Who and Why questions that were encountered on a regular basis in the trading city of Milesia, where cosmogonic myths would have been swapped along with goods. The Greeks were interested in the nature of the universe. What was it made out of How did it get there How does it stay in place How did it begin They asked these questions and they tried to answer them.The Pre-Socratics were the first theoretical philosophers in human history. They emerged in the 6th century b.c.e. in the Greek cities of Ionia. They were interested about the essential composition of nature and dissatisfied with earlier creation legends. The Ionians sought natural (physical) rather than religio-mythic (metaphysical) explanations for natural occurrences. They maintained that arbitrary and willful gods did not manipulate nature, and it wasn't governed by blind chance. Even though nature seemed chaotic, it was governed by principles of order - general laws that can be ascertained by the human mind. This marked the beginning of scientific thought.The Pre-Socratics wanted to find out what the universe was made of. They were looking for the primal or first substance of th e universe. They did this by means of observation with the naked eye. They used induction rather than deduction. From observing particular occurrences they postulated general theories. They believed the universe to be simple and subject to nature's laws. They speculated on the building blocks of the universe. Group of thinkers "Presocratics" is a group of thinkers who expressed themselves in various dialect of Greek during the 500's and 400's BC, that is, before the time of Socrates and his disciple Plato. Most lived in the edge of the Greek world, in what's today the western coast of Turkey (Ionia) and the southern parts of Italy. One reason we can be misled into viewing the Presocratics as children is that their ideas are often presented in a inexperienced and confusing way. two important thinkers whom tradition opposed to each other: Heraclitus of Ephesus (in Ionia) (ca. 540-480 BC), and Parmenides of Elea (a town in southern Italy) (born ca. 539 BC). Both struggled with being, not-being, and that combination of both with which we are familiar: becoming. To get an idea of how they struggled, you should click on either name. Here we can only say: Heraclitus took change and becoming to be cyclical: for him Real, Eternal Being is precisely the chain of eternally recurrent cycles. Parmenides denied outright the possibility of thinking the concept not-being Pythagoras was the source of a lesser stream of thought during this early period. Deeply religious, he and his followers formed mysterious mystery cults devoted to the rescue and cleansing of the soul. This was achieved by the attainment of wisdom, and in its pursuit they cultivated music, science and mathematics-especially mathematics in its cosmological applications. The cosmos for them was well-ordered, and it was well- ordered because it was a material expression of numbers and numerical

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Evidence based nursing coaching style management Article

Evidence based nursing coaching style management - Article Example This inadvertently has a number of employment policy implications. Replacing and recruiting people to make up for the older nurses who are near retirement age is infact a very significant problem for the health sector. Nursing itself is comprised of several smaller sub-divisons and there is much evidence to reveal that the ratio of the nursing work force is not equally divided within these sub groups. Careful analysis reveals that prison services, the armed forces, local authorities, occupational health nursing and emergency health services are some of the divisons that do not suffer from a shortfall with respect to the workforce number. Interestingly nursing homes for the elderly are increasingly being seen as having fewer and fewer trained nurse practitioners and in many cases even trained personnel. The reason for this anomalous distribution remains largely unclear and it is a problem the health sector is now grappling with. The UK nursing work force in particular provides a very complete picture in this respect. (Buchan 1999). It is a problem which infact has become the subject of much research and study over the last decade. Demographics reveal that the UK population in general is ageing, and the nursing workforce in the region is no exception. It is a growing population with a greater number of elderly people, which is ensured by advances in medical practice and technology which has resulted in increased life span of the population. Consequently a growing challenge for the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK is providing adequate nursing facility for its population. The key element of effective nursing coaching in the present scenario is to develop appropriate workforce planning mechanisms that take into account the supply and demand for nursing staff. Quite evidently these should take into account the demographics (i.e the age and type) of the client population and the workforce, and aim to reach a balance of demand and supply as may be the requirement of the market. Infact it can be safely said that the continued prevalence of the shortage of nursing workforce over the past decade could be considered a result of some shortcoming the coaching style for nurses. Both as educators or as nurse practitioners we need to look at the plausible shortcoming of the present coaching style since it is obviously unable to adequately address this problem! Some of the major reasons for people taking up nursing as a career option are because of the opportunities to care for people, to gain some autonomy at the work place and also to be fairly rewarded both financially and emotionally (Irvine and Evans 1995). This has to be taken into account for future training strategies in nursing if the present shortage particularly in geriatric (old age) wards is to be addressed. Coaching styles have to focus on increasing motivation for and clearly elucidating the potential incentives of nursing in general and geriatric nursing in particular. Intervention strategies Nursing and midwifery have traditionally relied on a fairly narrow defined group of school leavers (predominantly female) for recruitment purposes. This population in general is less inclined to work with the elderly population to begin with. In addition geriatric nursing does

What Is So Important About Jerusalem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

What Is So Important About Jerusalem - Essay Example At the beginning of the twentieth century, British forces captured Jerusalem from the Turks. Following this capture, the British troops pledged that they would conserve all religious sites and places of worship in the holy city. In the same era, Chaim Weizmann, a Zionist purchased the area surrounding the wall in order to make it accessible to other Jews. This event shows that the Jews were willing and able to sacrifice their wealth in order to gain access to the western wall. Christianity: Church of the Holy Sepulchre is an ancient church in Old City of Jerusalem. The church is believed to be the site of Jesus’ burial and resurrection. The church has an extensive history that stretches all the way from the 4 century AD. Currently, the church serves as the control center for Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem. The control of the church and adjacent land is under the control of several Christian churches around the world. The church is believed to be the center of key phenom enon and sites in the Christian faith that include Golgotha, the hill of Calvary, and the original cross of Jesus. The church is of immense significance to Christian of all ages. Being the main Christian establishment in the holy land, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is of interest to many world leaders. Moreover, the church was the target of crusaders who travelled from Europe to the holy land6. The church was an important symbol in ancient early civilization and it was destroyed and reconstructed many times. For example, the churchy was demolished by the Persians in 614 AD under the command Khosrau II. The church underwent numerous demolitions and reconstructions under various authorities. In the 7th century, the Persians invaded Jerusalem and removed the Cross-from Church of the Holy...Recent archeological evidence has revealed that the wall was not completed during Herod’s reign. The studies have revealed that constructions may have been completed at the end of the seven the century. The wall and the temple courtyard that it encloses have been a pilgrimage site for the Jews over the centuries. Since the establishment of the Zionist movement, the wall has been a major cause of conflict between Jews and Muslims3. Both the Muslims and the Jews claim right of ownership including the right to worship and pilgrimage to the wall and the temple. Indeed the wall is a fundamental aspect of the Jewish religion. According to the Jews, King Solomon constructed the western wall and it serves as the only remnant of the first temple. The Jews regard the wall as the only accessible spot of the holy land. The site is the closest to even ha-shetiya (the foundation stone) located in the temple mountain4. The foundation stone is regarded ans the holy of holies and no one is allowed to set foot upon it. The Jews used to pray by the walls during the time of tribulation and it is believed that God heard their prayers. Through the ages, Jews of all age gathered and prayed beside the western wall.Certainly, there are many unknown facts about the holy lands and their significance to the future of humanity. Therefore, modern religions cannot be based on these holy lands.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The War on Polio and Other Wars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The War on Polio and Other Wars - Essay Example The war on polio was waged against the disease through the democratic effort of then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who is a polio victim himself. The war on polio became a huge success because of his efforts. However, aside from polio there were other wars waged by America and many of them did not attain the same success as the war on polio perhaps because of what the other administrations failed to do. The joint efforts of the government and the people themselves helped in the success of the war against polio. Former U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was afflicted with polio since 1921 and even until he became President in 1933. In 1937, Roosevelt, partly because of his own affliction and perhaps because of his genuine concern for children affected by the polio virus, instituted the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (Kluger). The National Foundation used the latest advertising, fund raising, and research to find a cure for polio, or perhaps some management te chniques, and most of all to reduce the disease into something that should not be feared (Oshinsky 5). The war on polio became successful because it was all about democratic effort and was greatly supported by people from all sectors, as the whole American nation participated in the annual galas held in the whole country during Roosevelt’s birthday. ... Thus, the case of polio concerned everyone. The people whose responsibility is to find a cure for it were under a huge pressure not only from the President but also from the whole nation, and so its success was inevitable. As the National Foundation’s director of research from 1946 to 1953, Harry Weaver deserves much of the credit for the development of the vaccine against polio. Moreover, his efforts at convincing Jonas Salk to work on the cure for polio virus instead of influenza were greatly instrumental to the success of the vaccine. Aside from Weaver’s convincing power, the foundation’s first check for Salk amounting to $41,000 plus money from other sources also greatly helped (Oshinsky 112,116). Nevertheless, the main factor, perhaps, that made America win the war on polio was its efforts to cooperate with other countries, and even with the Soviet Union, and to set aside political differences first before medical concerns. From 1963 to 1999, the Sabin live vaccine proved to be more efficient than the Salk killed vaccine because the positive results were immediate in the former. However, since the whole country was then already using the Salk vaccine, Sabin decided to test his vaccine in the late 1950s in the Belgian Congo and in the Soviet Union, despite the Cold War and the political tension between the United States and the Russian country (â€Å"Two Vaccines†). With such diplomacy and urgency, countries were able to set aside political differences first and learned how to develop a mutual agreement to focus on the more urgent issue at hand. Thus, the war on polio was won. The war on AIDS is not as successful as the war on polio because of several reasons but one of them is the growing hesitation of the American government to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Shamrock Convenient Store on Lake Wee,GA and Shamrock Convenient Store Essay

Shamrock Convenient Store on Lake Wee,GA and Shamrock Convenient Store #2 - Essay Example The strategic point implies that the set up cost is expected to be relatively high. The startup capital is estimated to be $600000 with stock taking a $500000. The remaining amount will be used in other expenses such are business registration, licenses and refurbishing the premises. Sales revenues are expected to grow by 15% for the next three years. The growth in sales will be used to offset debt obligations of the firm. As noted, the firm will use debt financing to start and operate. Despite the increase in expenses and taxes, the sales revenue will be high enough to offset the expenses and retain the high profit margin. The business will rely on debt financing to fund its operations for the first 3 months. After 3 months business operations will be funded from the sales proceeds. The implication here is that the business will be able to sustain itself. The business will start servicing its debt while maintain a degree of profitability. According to Levinson (2007), guerilla-marketing strategies are essential for small business since they are inexpensive and thus require a small marketing budget. The guerilla strategies aim at attracting the attention of the target audience. In this regard, the Shamrock Convenient Store will use the strategies to reach out to prospective customers. The strategies are advised by the fact that the convenience store targets the local population as well as travelers. Shamrock Convenient Store will use strategies such as legal graffiti, raising awareness on social media, word of mouth, and creating partnerships. Graffiti is important as it boosts visibility of the business and curiosity of the target audience. The business will identify some of the dirty walls within the neighborhood and clean them. The walls will then be painted with attractive colors with the stores logo and several of its products (Mumaw, 2011). By so doing, the community will appreciate the work done in cleaning the walls and also in painting. Painting

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

IFRS 1 -- ThyssenKrupp Group First Year Conversion Assignment

IFRS 1 -- ThyssenKrupp Group First Year Conversion - Assignment Example Some of the financial components that will be affected from the conversion from US GAAP include the treatment of intangible assets such as development costs, goodwill and intangible pension assets. Tangible assets such as property plant and equipment will require adjustments in how investment property is dealt with because of the differences in treatment under both methods. IFRS uses a components approach in dealing with property, plant and equipment and so they are shown separately – inclusive of the depreciation charged on these assets. Impairment of assets is also dealt with differently and most operating leases will now be classified as finance leases. This will have implications for profits and for the tangible assets balance in the balance sheet. Investment property will now be a separate line item on the balance sheet as a result of these changes. Under IFRS all non-current assets can qualify as assets held for sale while under US GAAP only long lived asset can, once th ey meet specific criteria. There are other interesting cases that will affect deferred tax assets, inventories, trade accounts receivables and other receivables such as embedded derivatives and prepaid pension costs. It is interesting to note that the measurement date of the pension plan will coincide with the year end and so this will affect the prepaid pension cost shown in the financial statements. The treatment of contracts will not only have implications for inventories but also accounts receivable, accounts payables and of course income and therefore the net profit of ThyssenKrupp. IFRS requires a different treatment for minority interest than that used under US GAAP. While US GAAP showed minority interest as a separate item between liabilities and equity IFRS requires that it be shown as part of equity. As a result of these changes the figures for the 2004/2005 will be very different. The differences relating to changes in equity and other elements are therefore required to b e shown in the notes to the financial statements. IFRS 1 also requires that the differences be clearly explained so that the various stakeholders which includes, shareholders, analysts, prospective investors and others are able to understand them and their effects on the financial statements. Finally, it is very important to note that IFRS1 defines an entity’s first IFRS financial statements as being the first annual financial statements in which an entity adopts IFRS by making it clear that IFRS is being complied with by way of an â€Å"unreserved† and â€Å"explicit† statement of that fact (Ernst & Young 2009). The conversion from US GAAP to IFRS has impacted various elements of the financial statements. According to Ernst and Young (2009) the main principle is full retrospective application of IFRS standards that were in effect as of ThyssenKrupp’s first IFRS reporting period. Some of the elements of the financial statements have been impacted positive ly and some negatively. The Balance Sheet elements that are explained below are: property, plant and equipment; inventories; and minority interests. The income statement elements that will be explained are: net sales; selling expenses; and other operating income Balance Sheet Elements Property, Plant and Equipment â‚ ¬m â‚ ¬m Balance as per US GAAP 9,469 Less: Reclassification 557 Other 169 (726) Balance as per IFRS 8,743 The balance as per US G

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Social Issues and Friendship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Social Issues and Friendship - Essay Example We promised each other we would talk every day keep up on each other’s lives and try as much to convince our parents to allow us to visit each other over the holidays. It all seemed easy enough and our friendship was going to last forever. Little did we know fate had completely different paths for us. Ideally, Melanie and her family were supposed to come back after two years once her mother’s work contract was over. But once those two years were over, they did not return and by then I was headed to college. We tried to keep in touch but it proved challenging as I was overwhelmed with studies and extra-curricular activities. We had not managed to visit each other during the two years and she seemed to also be busy with college. Then one day she called me out of the blue insisting that she wanted us to meet and she would be in town over the weekend. I was too excited to hear from her that I did not ask any questions, I simply asked for a place and time and looked forward to our reconnecting. Two days before our meeting, I sat in a Statistics class too distracted to pay attention. All I could do was imagine how our meeting would go, how she would make fun of my short hair. I wondered what she had done with hers, we always wanted to color our hairs something crazy while in coll ege but I had stopped wanting that. The lecturer disrupted my thoughts as he called out my name. I raised my head up from the scribbling I was doing on my notebook to respond. Next to the lecturer were these two men who wanted to talk me outside the classroom. I walked out grateful for a chance to walk out as I felt I was not being productive in the class. Once outside, I got the most shocking news of my life and up to this day, I still have trouble coming to terms with what the two men told me.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Joint Commission Study Essay Example for Free

The Joint Commission Study Essay Executive Summary The Joint Commission is scheduled to visit Nightingale Community Hospital for its triennial accreditation survey within the next 13 months. The purpose of this document is to provide senior leadership with an outline of the hospital’s current compliance status in the Priority Focus Area of Communication. Recommendations for corrective action are included in this document which are designed to bring the organization into full compliance in the areas where deficits have been identified. The Priority Focus Area of Communication includes 3 Joint Commission (JC) standards relative to Universal Protocol. These 3 standards, which are components of the National Patient Safety Goals, are aimed at ensuring the correct procedure is performed on the correct patient at the correct site. UP.01.01.01 requires the organization to conduct a pre-procedure verification process prior to the start of any procedure. The hospital meets this standard by following its policy titled â€Å"Site Identification and Verification (Universal Protocol)† which describes the process that is used prior to the start of any operative or invasive procedure. The hospital’s use of the â€Å"Pre-Procedure Hand-Off† checklist provides the documentation required to demonstrate compliance with the standard. Because of the criticality of this standard, I recommend a focused medical record review to measure compliance with the use of the pre-procedure checklist. If the audit reveals the checklist is completed consistently, full compliance with the standard will be verified and no further action will be required. UP.01.02.01 requires the organization to mark the procedure site before the procedure is performed. The Site Identification and Verification policy describes the process for marking the operative site however the policy as written does not meet the full intent of the standard. The policy states the patient will identify and mark the operative site. Element of Performance 3 of the standard requires the procedure site to be marked by the licensed independent practitioner who is accountable for the procedure and will be present during the procedure. EP 5 requires a written process for patients who refuse site marking or when it is impossible or impractical to mark the site. This written process is absent in the hospital’s policy. Nightingale’s policy and process must be revised immediately to reflect all the required eleme nts of the standard. Hospital physicians and staff must  be educated on the necessary changes and the revised process must be put into action. Once these changes have occurred, I recommend a focused audit to ensure full compliance with the revised policy/process. UP.01.03.01 requires a time-out before the start of the procedure. The Site Identification and Verification policy describes the time-out process however the policy falls short of fully meeting the intent of this standard. EP 2 describes which team members must participate in the timeout, EP 3 requires a time-out before each procedure when two or more procedures are being performed, and EP 5 requires documentation of the time-out. These 3 elements are missing from the hospital policy/process and therefore revisions to the process/policy are necessary to include these 3 elements. Nightingale’s Safety Report reveals increasing compliance (nearing 100%) with the time-out process, however as mentioned above, EP 5 requires documentation of the process. In addition to the policy revision, I recommend the development of a unique form which will be used to document completion of the time-out and the names of the participants in the time-out. Once these changes have been implemented, I recommend additional auditing to ensure full compliance with docum entation of the time-out process. The Joint Commission reports more than 900 Sentinel Events related to wrong site surgery occurred between 1995-2010 (The Joint Commission, 2010) Their research found that 70% of the time, the root cause of wrong site surgery was communication failure (Mulloy and Hughes 2008). When it occurs, wrong site surgery can be devastating for patients and it can leave a lasting, negative impact on the surgical team. Surgeons are at risk of losing their license and hospitals risk losing reimbursement. When these events occur the risk of litigation exists as well. Wrong-site, wrong-procedure and wrong-person surgery can be prevented! The Priority Focus Area of Communication as it relates to Universal Protocol is essential to Nightingale Community Hospital for preventing wrong site surgery and promoting a safe environment within our hospital. The hospital’s Site Identification and Verification policy was developed with good intentions to meet that goal. The 3 key elements to preventing wrong site surgery; 1) pre-op verification process; 2) marking the operative site; and 3) taking a time out, are all present in the policy however there are additional elements required by the Joint Commission that are missing from the policy  and leave the organization and pat ients at risk. In order to live up to our core value of safety and to ensure full accreditation with the Joint Commission, it is important for the organization to fully meet all the elements of performance. The changes outlined within this document will strengthen the policies and procedures that are intended to prevent harm to patients and will bring the organization into full compliance with the JC standards. These actions will ultimately ensure that a truly safe environment exists within the walls of Nightingale Community Hospital for the benefit of its patients, associates and the community. References The Joint Commission. (2010, 11 23). Sentinel event statistics as of September 30, 2010. Retrieved from Mulloy, D. F., Hughes, R. G. (2008). Patient safety quality: an evidence-based handbook for nurses. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Retrieved from

Ulysses S. Grant Essay Example for Free

Ulysses S. Grant Essay Ulysses S. Grant, an army General and the 18th president of the United States of America is considered one of the greatest war strategists and generals in American history. His rise to fame was brought about by his successful exploits and exceptional military leadership serving as a Union General in the Civil War. Most notable of which are the decisive wins in the battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania and the siege of Petersburg which eventually led to the Confederacys surrender. But while his contemporaries hold him to the highest regard as a military leader, the same could not be said about his presidency. Political leadership proved to be unsuitable for him, and while his dignity was said to be unquestionable, his presidency is severely criticized and condemned due to rampant corruption and perceived inadequacy. Grant was baptized Hiram Ulysses Grant in Point Pleasant, Ohio on April 27, 1822, the eldest in a brood of six. He came from a family which Grant (2002) proudly asserts as all-American: â€Å"My family is American, and has been for generations, in all its branches, direct and collateral† (p. 12). His parents were Jesse Root Grant, a tannery and farmland owner, and Hannah Simpson Grant, a frontier woman (McFeely, 1981). Grants family relocated to Georgetown in 1823, where he started his formal education—this place was to be his home until his seventeenth year, before he goes off to West Point. He attended the school of Richardson and Rand in Maysville, Kentucky, then the Presbyterian Academy, a private school in Ripley, Ohio. (Grant, 2002) Grant (2002) found his childhood â€Å"uneventful† (p. 17) and professed no inclination towards his studies. He did show exceptional equestrian skills and was noted for his diligence. With his skills, he was put in charge of doing any work that required proficiency with horses—tilling land, hauling wood, plowing and furrowing the land, etc. His lack of business skills (an issue which would later on figure significantly in his life) was evinced in one situation when the eight year-old Grant was given some money by his father to buy a colt, with the instruction of bargaining with the owner. Grant said to him: â€Å"Papa says I may offer you twenty dollars for the colt, but if you won’t take that, I am to offer twenty-two and a half, and if you won’t take that, to give you twenty-five† (Grant, 2002, p. 20). Needless to say, the owner got the colt full price. At age seventeen, he attended the United States Military Academy at West Point, and a registration mistake made by the appointing congressman omitted Hiram from his name and added Simpson, his mothers maiden name. Grant, however, did not correct the mistake, and he has been known by that name ever since. Grant was an average student, graduating 21st in a class of 39 (McFeely, 1981). He did not care to have a career in the military (he wanted instead to teach) and saw his West Point appointment as just another opportunity to travel, he said: â€Å"A military life had no charms for me, and I had not the faintest idea of staying in the army even if I should be graduated, which I did not expect† (Grant, 2002, p. 26). After graduation he was stationed in St. Louis, Missouri where he met and and pursued Julia Dent. They later married in 1848 (McFeely, 1981). During the outbreak of the Mexican War, grant fought his first battles under Generals Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott, where he took part in important offensive missions. After the war, he went back to St. Louis, Missouri to tend to his family and establish several business and farming ventures (Grant, 2002). However, even with the help from relatives and friends, his business endeavors failed (due in part to his less than adequate business skills) and he faced great financial difficulties (McFeely, 1981). Grant then moved back to work in Galena, Illinois when his father offered his a clerical position at his store (Grant, 2002). When the south broke away from the Union, signaling the start of the Civil War, Grant decided to fight under the Union banner. He gathered volunteers to Springfield and enlisted his services to the government. As a colonel, he successfully took control of an unruly volunteer regiment and was promoted to brigadier general. He proved to be a great military leader and went on to lead many successful campaigns. His skill as a military strategist and tactician earned him the respect of his contemporaries and made him a household name. (McFeely, 1981) He fought on to lead the Union in a series of decisive victories—battles in Belmont, Fort Donelson, Fort Henry—and became the commander of the Union army. When asked about his terms of accepting surrender, his reply was â€Å"no terms, except an unconditional and immediate surrender† (McFeely, 1981, 135). This, as well as the unconditional surrender of more than 14,000 confederacy soldiers at Donelson earned him the nickname â€Å"Unconditional Surrender Grant† (McFeely, 1981, 135). He also launched an exhaustive and grueling campaign to wear out and capture the Confederate forces. This culminated in the siege of Petersburg which forced General Robert E. Lee to flee and eventually surrender his army at Appomattox Court House (McFeely, 1981). After the war, he was nominated as the Republican candidate for the presidential elections and won, although he was reluctant to accept the post. After learning of his victory, he told his wife: I am afraid I am elected (Goode, 1999, p. 18). He entered the White House at age 46, the youngest president in American history. He took part in many notable policies, especially those that aim to reduce national debt and re-establish public credit (Hesseltine, 1935). The reconstruction of southern states were also facilitated under his reign. However, corruption was so widespread in the administration that it overshadowed everything—it even came to be called as â€Å"Grantism† (Goode, 1999), which was regarded by many â€Å"unfair† considering Grant himself didnt take part in the corruption (Skidmore, 2005). Grant was also criticized for his passivity and for his haphazard appointment of officials. Many, if not most of the people under him, even those he appointed were involved in numerous scandals and for exploiting the governments coffers (Hesseltine, 1935 and Goode, 1999). After his presidency, Grant was only relieved to leave the politicians life—â€Å"I certainly never had any taste for political life (Goode, 1999, p. 18) he confessed. He retired and lived a comfortable life with his wife in New York, until he was diagnosed with throat cancer. He has completed written his Memoirs a few days after his death and it remains one of the most popular presidential autobiographies in history. When grant died in 1885, fire bells rang throughout the country, however, â€Å"it was for Grant the soldier that they rang, not for Grant the president† (Goode, 1999, p. 19). References Grant, U. S. (2002). Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant. Boston: WGBH Educational Foundation. Goode, S. (1999, July). Ulysses S. Grant: The Unheroic Hero. World and I, 14, 16-19. Hesseltine, W. B. (1935). Ulysses S. Grant: Politician. New York: Dodd, Mead Company. McFeely, W. S. (1981). Grant: A Biography. New York : Norton. Skidmore, M. J. (2005). The Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant: A Reconsideration. White House Studies, 5, 255-265.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Functionalism Of The Marx Conflict Theory Sociology Essay

Functionalism Of The Marx Conflict Theory Sociology Essay According to Emile Durkheim and more recently with Talcott Parsons (Marshall 1994: 190-1) functionalism refers to system which interrelated with connection of several elements and each and every one of it has their own purpose of existence. Each elements play significant roles and responsibility to contribute within the system (Anderson and Taylor, 2005). Society had classified into different classes and status from low to high, but functional of duties difficult to verify significance of individual roles in society. Every character in society is essential roles within the system to circulate and they tend to affects each other. Contributions of every job have their own rewards but normally not all are equally paid. For examples, like stars they earn more than ordinary jobs like nurses but it does not represent the nurses are not play significant roles in society. Although nurses have less power and prestige than the stars, their functional position more vital compare to stars. Karl Marx is the first developer of conflicts theory used the hypothesis to explain about the development and revolution of industrials, he pointed out that emphasis of materialist among the culture of industries. Example like the 19th century of Europe, labour market was primarily control by groups of capitalists who were wealthy with outsized assets. Capitalists overuse their authority towards workers cause exploitation and rise up conflicts between them. At earlier times labours are treated like slave with getting value that lesser than what they have created in production and have no rights to voice up their inequality. Unfair treatment towards the labour show the gaps of power differences between the classes of society, the richest upper class who own the assets and poorest lower class who sell their labour time to. 1.3 Symbolic Interactionism Sociologists clarify the interactionism theory explain about communication among people within verbally and symbolic in order to share or approach meaning or messages (LaRossa and Reitzes, 1993). Symbolic interactionism enables human using various symbols to interact with others and impart appropriate meaning and messages with common languages (Mead, 1934). Indirectly, symbols and behaviours that individual present are majorly influence by social norms and believe. Each individual have their own specific perspectives and way to behave hence through interaction some symbols may created and develop. Meaning of symbols which attempt to send to others must be correctly connected to particular meaning and words which related in order to help receiver understand clearly and better or otherwise it will lead to misunderstanding and conflicts between each other. 2.0 Early Conflicts Theories à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Karl Marx The earliest conflicts theories derived from Second World War period while the capitalists power over whelmed the labour market. Labours been treated as slaves work within the company and treated unfairly. The values that created by labours are more than what they deserve to received and caused exploitation. The earlier conflict theories emphasized more on inequality treatment of labours in industrials and value perceptions of people at earlier time ago (Swingwood, 1975). Capitalists maximize their authority on labour force to maximize production and profits and minimize time consuming. Labours welfare been ignored and status are classified as lower class which groups that always discriminate by society especially upper class capitalists. In early industrial sectors, Karl Marx allocates the society to two primary classes: Bourgeoisie, the party who own most of the assets such as monetary capitals, machines or factory and virtually monopolize the economy markets and Proletariat, the workers who sell their efforts and contribute to the industries (McAll, 1992). Due to scarcity resources of society, owners tend to get advantages from others. Capitalists over practice their authority and caused conflicts between classes, hence labours dissatisfaction arise the changes of social system to solve the exploitation problems (Anderson and Taylor, 2006). Karl Marx believes that if the conflicts situation keeps on remaining, the society will overcome the capitalism issues. After on at 1930, Max Weber, a German sociologist had developed a bureaucratic form which derived from Marxist capitalism theory. Max Weber emphasized the rules and regulation will certify the legitimate power which is the basis of social conflicts (Wesolowski, 1979). He believes that if the legitimate power does not be identify officially it would bring conflicts upon. Recent System Thinking on Conflicts Theories Max Weber bureaucracy system is broadly applied by all organizations now or should say as it had become basis element of organizations. The standardize process with rules and regulations assist management system more efficiently to manage labour force and resources. However, systematic process needs to improve to comply with external factors of organizations. According to the rapidly changing environment nowadays it would be challenge for organization to adapt to the various factors of environment. System can be determine in three degrees whether it is open system or closed system and group into two vital model, entropy which more refers to closed system which movement towards system run down and negentropy which refers to system which movement forward to advance structure (Bailey, 1990). The sociologist Niklas Luhmann (1927-1988) had develop system theory approach to examine the conflicts occur between system of organizations and the environment (Nollman, 2005). Luhmann explain differentiation of system and environment is one of complicate. Environment used to be more complex than system since there are few factors to be considered and try assembling it to adapt with owns culture system of organizations. Autopoietic system were develop by Luhmann which explained that it taking system like legal system or bureaucracy system as references among others. The system has four characteristic which can used to explain the system nowadays too. Firstly, autopoietic system generates its elements, for example money in economic market. Without the certification of value by market, money will not be valuable and just a paper. Both related and influence each other in the system. Autopoietic system is self-orientated to lay down boundaries and coordinate their organizations structure. The system usually set own limitations and regulations of managing structure of company. The system of autopoietic is self-reference within the economic system. As example, economic system created value for money and at the same time it considers the market to determine the price. Furthermore, autopoietic is a closed system which means the system does not directly attach with the environment (Esposito, 1996). Groups of people from lower class like labour might not have the ability to join within the system hence it shows that in economic market only involves who are wealthy and able to invest into the market. Communications are essentials part to solve conflicts. Within the standardize system it might be efficient but not truly effective. Interactions between people are importance to identify and understand each other. Society and psychic system have mutual element, both rely on communication to get the actual meaning of interaction (Ritzer, 2008). Sometimes, different people might using different way to approach others but meaning are not necessary propose, because meaning derived from particular words that been selected. Media nowadays will exercise different ways of sending messages to consumers, but some meaning might be hazy and hidden lead the consumer to the wrong information. This problem been declare by Luhmann and called it as double contingency. Double contingency discuss about the trouble of communication between parties and considerations of sending the correct messages. Society form by different cultures, norms and religions hence people all have their own believes and behaviour. Message sending by an individual to others might explain in other ways. As long as receiver understand the meaning which related and connected to particular words the information will be correctly present or else conflicts might occur. Luhmann, the first system theorists had develop sociology approach to solve the difficulties that organization facing. System could be adapt to external factors that might bring negative impacts to company. Both system and environment indirectly are interrelated to each others, with absence of one, it either will be hard to stand by its own. 4.0 Communication as on-going struggle Within system, communication acts an essential role to deliver appropriate information to the public. But not all information allowed to exposes to the society. Hence, this had cause misunderstanding and conflict rises between communication systems because of forbidden objectives or motif. As a lively examples showed will be conflicts between community, media and government. Therefore, government act as the capitalist within the system and media act as intermediaries to send information to society. Government are the main authority with supervising the society system hence, they monopolise the whole market. For that reason, government had entirely dominated mediaà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s activities and that is where the struggles occur. Media had limitations of rights to deliver information to society. Their delivery information are red tape by government to avoid conflicts arise with the society. The forbidden information of government rises up conflicts as well even without declaration of media despite of every individual are sensitive to aware of any threaten information that will bring negative effects towards them. From the above, conflicts of society had verified that communication of recent system theory still consist with on-going struggle. 5.0 Comparison of early conflicts and recent conflicts Comparing the earlier and modern theories of conflicts, we can view that in early time conflicts theories arise because of inequality and division of labours with different classes of society. Power and capitals which monopolize the economy markets and exploit the labours that classify as lower class and get discriminate. Marx and Weber both consent towards the facts of conflicts arises from profit thinking of the capitalists or who with most authority (Henslin, 2002). However the sociologists have their own explanation towards economic order, Marx classifies that early centuries class of society conflicts and capitalists are the elements which monopolize the economic market. Another hand Weber states that power relationships are determined by character of political power and they have their own significant responsibilities. Between these two sociologists conflict theories, Weber conflict theories can enforce social change but Marxist only promote changes of system itself (Cohen, 200 0). Until nowadays, conflicts still arise between owners and labours but for modern conflict theories, but the difference is older days workers struggle for basic survival but workers nowadays struggle for more to authority and job entitlement. The welfare of workers does improve and partly solve struggles among both capital and labour. The capitalist phenomena had over taken by modern system theories but still conflicts maintaining such as the conflicts of challenges towards their job advancement or power. Furthermore, conflicts like discrimination of status and classes still exist between societies. 5.0 Conclusion Nowadays majorly business are globalise hence organizations have to adapt to the challenging environment which full with new factors like technology. In order to improve efficiency, conflicts are the natural process to be experience and develop social changes. Capitalists who owned more assets are main authority to supervise the labour process yet people might misuse the power for own interests. The unbalance of social life will be still exist and so with conflicts, but both does not appear to be crucial mode like early years. Conflicts are continuous and might difficult to handle, but conflicts had lead organizations to more advanced system and make improvements. Communication between individuals helps improving understanding each other and minimizes the occurrence of conflicts but if the information does not send or approach properly it might cause another troubles and make the circumstances worsen. (1995) words

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Canterbury Tales - Downfall of the Church in Chaucer’s General Prologue :: Canterbury Tales

Canterbury Tales - Downfall of the Church in Chaucer’s General Prologue Light-hearted yet bitingly satirical, Chaucer’s â€Å"General Prologue† to his Canterbury Tales is a commentary on the corruptions of the Church at the time. Chaucer, being of noble estate, retains his witticism in his narrator. The narrator devotes many a line to the vivid portrayals of the Prioress and the Frere. Through the actions of these two members of the clergy, it is seen that the lust for material goods, the need for flaunting one’s estate, and the development of hypocrisy all contribute to the shaking of the Church’s foundations. Enfolded in the coils of luxury, the Prioress and the Frere can hardly recall their missions as part of the clergy. Is not gluttony evil in the eyes of the Church? Although not allowing any â€Å"morsel from hir lippes falle† (Chaucer, l. 128) can be viewed as a sign of â€Å"wasting not† in the Prioress, Chaucer’s narrator’s detailed and realistic descriptions of the Prioress’s table manners impress upon one that food and drink is the quintessence of this woman’s faith in the Church. The Frere, too, delights in merry living. Not only does he know the taverns in every town, he also knows â€Å"every hostiler and tappestere,/Bet than a lazar or a beggestere† (ll. 240-242). The Frere spends most of his time playing the rote and singing ballads (ll. 236-237); he also showers â€Å"faire wives† with gifts such as â€Å"knives† and â€Å"pinnes† (ll. 233-234). How is it then that the Frere needs to be g? He is the â€Å"beste beggere in his hous† (l. 252), and he can coax a â€Å"widwe [who] hadde nought a sho† (l. 255) to give him money. Is this not ridiculous when, during love-dayes, the Frere can - like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon - shed his begging clothes and wear ceremonial gowns as rich and as fine as a maister’s or a pope’s? Contrary to the Church’s belief in not hoarding material goods, the Prioress delights in dressing fashionably in a neat cloak, with coral around her arms, and a gold brooch about her neck (ll. 157-162). As feasting and dressing shrewdly seem to occupy the bulk of these religious’ time, it must be that the Church is now based on hedonism instead of faith and humility!

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Day The World Cried Essay -- history

The Day The World Cried Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward and freedom will be defended. Our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes or in their offices – secretaries, businessman and women, military and federal workers. Moms and dads, friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by, despicable acts of terror. The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings fires burning, huge structures collapsing have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet unyielding anger. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat . But they have failed. Our country is strong. A great people have been moved to defend a great nation. Those were the words of President George W. Bush, as he moved his country from disbelief to reality. Good morning / afternoon Ms. Scully and fellow classmates. September 11th was a dark and stormy Tuesday where the lives of people became the cost of revenge. Many innocent people faced their Tuesday morning by ending their lives instantly, as a high jacked plane plummeted from the sky, towards their office building. At 8:45 am a high jacked passenger jet, flight 11 of American Airlines, plunges into the North tower of The World Trade Center. 9:03 am another plane hit this time the South tower. Leaving both buildings ablaze in flames of deat...