Monday, September 30, 2019

International Management Case Study Essay

1. What are the advantages of a small business going international through incremental stages rather than as a global start up? There are many advantages of a small business going international through incremental stages, rather than as a global start up. First of all a startup that utilizes the small business stage model where it has an incremental process of internationalization gives that them a much larger chance of sustainability and success, rather than trying to start large which puts them at more risk. This usually occurs passively, where a small business doesn’t solicit international business, but eventually conducts business internationally by filling normal orders, and as the business grows and receives more orders, they also increase the amount of international business they conduct. In the small business stage model of internationalization there are six typical stages that a company goes through. These are: * Stage 1 – Passive exporting * Stage 2 – Export Management * Stage 3 – Export Department * Stage 4 – Sales Branch * Stage 5 – Production Abroad * Stage 6 – The Transnational These stages transition a small business from merely filling international orders that aren’t solicited, to seeking out export sales, to using significant resources to increase sales which creates a high enough demand to open local sales offices, which leads to production abroad and then finally developing a global network and the company becoming a transnational corporation. The benefit of a company going through these incremental steps to develop its international business is based upon the company having a strong domestic customer base within their business system. Having a strong domestic business allows the small business to have a solid foundation of revenue which allows them to not have to rely on their international business to survive. This mitigates the risks from having the liabilities of smallness, which are the challenges facing a small business in getting access to necessary resources to internationalize. By having a strong business domestically, those challenges and risks can be taken as the survival of the company doesn’t depend on obtaining those resources to internationalize. Another benefit of a company going through incremental steps is that they also have the small business advantage. This advantage is from fast moving entrepreneurs that can use their competitive advantage of speed. Being first to market, they can capture significant sales before large competitors react. This allows a small business to adapt to market changes as they go international and allows them to more competitive as they expand into international markets. Companies can quickly change products, advertisements and operations to be able to meet the needs of the international market which is usually done with evolving technologies. This is where the larger corporate competitors are slowing as there are usually many policies and procedures that must be adhered to that slows them down, and makes them either late to the market with the change or they miss it all together. This is extremely important not just in established international markets, but also emerging and new international markets. Furthermore, reaching customers by teaming up with foreign partners such as distributors, joint venture partners, or licensees is another benefit. By working with these partners who are in direct contact with customers is of utmost importance, as they have a direct line to the point of sale. It’s not easy to find partners, but by incrementally going international and growing a business, the resources also grow and opens up many more points of contact. As the business grows and these points of contacts grow, the possibility for partners grows as well. Some of the ways a small business can find these partners are through trade shows, catalog expositions, international advertising agencies and consulting firms, government sponsored trade missions and of course direct contact. These partners are a great help in getting a small business’ products further into the international market and in the hands of their customers. It is not impossible for a company to go global from the first day that they start their business, but the odds are not in their favorite. It is very difficult to start out targeting such a large market. It is much easier for a small business to start domestically and build up a solid foundation for their business to gradually expand into the international market. This sets up a small business for the best chance for success to go from a small company and turning it into a corporation. Resources Cullen, John B., and K. Praveen Parboteeah. Multinational Management – A Strategic Approach. 5th ed. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning, 2008. Print.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Education system of the United States of America Essay

The education system of the United States of America is divided into four major categories; the children join primary school at the age of five years. Upon completion of the primary education the Americans join secondary school which consists of seven years. The students who are through with the secondary level are then enrolled in the undergraduate schools. Students in these schools are offered either with an associate degree which takes two years or a bachelor’s degree which normally takes four years. Finally for the students who have successfully completed their bachelor’s degree and wish to continue enroll in the graduate schools where they can either pursue either a master’s degree which normally takes a period of two years or a doctorate degree for those students who wish to advance their education. Depending on the course the student opts to take the doctorate degree can take as little as three years or as many as six years to complete (Bobo, pp 84). Inequality in the education system of US Inequality in education is said to occur when the education quality that is provided to students is highly related to their class or status. The education system in the United States of America have instead of reducing inequalities existing in the society, the schools together with other educational establishments have to some extent enhanced the perpetuation of race and class boundaries. The allocation of resources in an unfair and unequal manner, to students with diverse socio economic backgrounds, has largely contributed to lowering of test scores and low enrollments rates in colleges. In the United States of America, resources availability and quality is determined by the quantity of funding received by the schools. This funding is determined largely by the amount of taxes that the home owners pay; almost half of taxes collected from home owners are used in the funding of the schools at the district level (Ferguson, pp 77). Neighborhoods that are more affluent collect more property taxes which imply that the schools in these areas receive more funding. Despite the fact that this seems to be quite favorable a serious problem comes up when the circumstances are reversed. The neighborhoods that are predominantly inhabited by poor population, the properties are cheaper and thus the property taxes obtained from such neighborhoods are also less. This therefore means that the schools in these regions are poorly funded and yet they are the ones which the students from the poor families attend. This clearly shows a lot of inequality since the students from the rich families who will in most cases will be living in wealthy neighborhoods will attend school which are well funded by the taxes collected from home owners, whereas their colleagues from the poor families residing in poor neighborhoods will attend poorly funded schools and thus both categories of students will not receive the same quality of education. The above situation reality is that the resources distribution among the schools depends on the socio economic status of both the students and the parents. Therefore, the education system of the United States of America enhances in the widening the existing gap between the poor and the rich. Over the past few years as a result of falling short of social mobility this gap has increased further (Bobo, pp 168). The social mobility is quite rigid in US; this mobility refers to the movement of people in a certain class status from one generation to another. The socio mobility is highly related to the rich tags, they create a notion that anyone with determination and works hard is able progress upward regardless to their back grounds. On contrary to this notion, the economists and sociologists have concluded that social mobility has stagnated or even decreased in the past three decades, some of the declines in the social mobility can only be attributed to the US education system which is stratified. The education system in the country forces the students from the low income families into schools that are not ideal; these students are in turn not offered with equal education motivation and schooling opportunities as those students from rich families. This repeated pattern of intergenerational school choices for child and parent results in social mobility stagnation (Kozol, pp 105). The models showing the attainment of social status have always assumed that social mobility is a contest which is open and that it is based on value as calculated over several years of technical ability and schooling. The open contest made the assumption that there was an equal opportunity to basic education. The Supreme Court made a ruling that schools that were separate but equal were unconstitutional; those opposed to integration had to find new means and ways of denying the basic education. If the schools being attended by the blacks and whites could not be segregated then the classes too could not and thus both the whites and the blacks should attend the same schools and classrooms failure to which will amount to denying equality in education to all students (Kozol, pp 98). Social immobility is more to the children who follow their parents’ footsteps and fail to obtain higher education. Such choices finally make the children from the poor families fail to access higher education. The reasons for the children from poor back grounds opting not to continue with higher education have a lot of explanations. The government on its part does not create enough awareness among the children equally and hence the children from lower class status grow up with fewer expectations in life, because such has not been properly instilled in them early in life by the education system that exists in the country. The education system of the United States of America lets down the students from the low income bracket since it does not offer them equal access to opportunities and resources as it does to those students from wealthy families. Studies have also shown that such programs such as the tracking education and gifted education are further used to manage the separation of those with lower skill levels from the ones with higher skills, which in most cases ends up separating the poor from the rich. In fact, most of the students in the program of the gifted students are from middle class families. This does not mean that it is only the rich students that are smart and the poor ones are not, but it simply implies that the program is used to enhance education inequality among the students on the basis of their back grounds it also shows that the students from the poor back grounds are not offered equal opportunities as the rich ones in their childhood development to enable them build up certain skills. The upper and middle class students grow up in an environment that foster their educational and intellectual development simply because their parents can afford to take their children to the museums, engage them in extra curricular activities, and pay private teachers to attend to their children. The poor children do not have access to such an integrated learning approach and the same is not provided in the education system of the US (Greenhouse, 124). The evidence of the fruits of inequality of the education system in the United States of America and especially in Chicago can be shown by the demographics and enrollment rates in colleges. It is highly influenced by the socio economic status of the students, in a study that was carried out in Chicago which examined the top colleges it found out that the following student representation. Seventy five percent of the students were from very rich socio economic backgrounds while the rest came from the poor back grounds. This is a good example of how much inequality exists in the education system of the United States of America and particularly Chicago (Lui, pp 220). The gap in the education system of US just like the chasm of wealth is growing wider and wider each year. An equal opportunity of accessing quality education has become a perennial dream for most of the progressive people and the working class. This dream has been undermined by forces of neo conservative. Despite the fact that there was the adoption of free education in the public schools by the US government in the past, an equal opportunity for quality education is yet to be achieved. Education in the public schools has always been provided for free, although in the past it was not free to the Native Americans, slaves, migrants, student with special needs, pregnant girls and other groups of people which were neglected (Bobo, pp 180). Although slavery came to an end, inequality in the education system still persists, despite the fact that it was one of the major rights the former slaves fought for. The former black slaves thought that by getting access to quality education they would be in a position to integrate socially with other Americans, but this remains a dream that is yet to be realized even though more than a century has elapsed since slavery was abolished. Black children have to date been denied a chance to access quality education since a vast majority of them come from poor families and the education structure in the united states of America is such that it offers a more favorable environment to rich students and denies the poor ones a chance to attend good schools which are well funded with ample resources to enable the students acquire quality education. As a result the black children have for a long time been prevented from succeeding academically and finally succeeding financially after school which applies to the whites (Kozol, pp 112). In Chicago as it is in most parts of the United States the blacks cannot afford to live in rich neighborhoods and since the schools receive much of their funding from the collection of property taxes from home owners, very little is collected in areas inhabited by the black population which in turn implies that their children will attend poorly funded schools which will in most cases lack proper facilities to enhance a smooth learning process. When students are educated in facilities lacking enough facilities they will end up performing poorly and thus have limited chances of excelling academically and in very rare cases will they be in a position to join credible institutions of higher learning. Such students will therefore, in future not be able to secure good white collar jobs and thus they are likely to earn much less in future as compared to those students who were in a position of attending schools that had enough facilities. Therefore, poor students will in future not be able to take their students to good schools since they cannot afford and hence their children will follow in their foot steps and the poverty chain will continue (Ferguson, pp 152). The education system in the United States aids in the maintenance of the existing class structure. Ever since slavery was abolished, the education system has been used by the racist whites as an instrument of enabling them maintains their throne by maintaining a poor black population. The ideas that the minority are inferior have been spread all over the country for decades and the less informed people have always fallen into the trap, as they are made to believe that intelligence and superiority is determined by one’s race. Skewed data has been used to assert such claims and to spread the ill intended ideas (Kozol, pp 144). Conclusion The education system of the United Sates of America is amounts to inequality as students are not given an equal opportunity of accessing quality education. This is mainly as result of the funding system which has been adopted which denies poor students a chance to attend schools that are well funded and thus have ample facilities to enable the to excel academically. The students from rich socio economic back grounds are in a position to attend well funded schools since such students will in most cases live in rich neighborhoods and since school funding originates from property taxes their schools will be well funded as more taxes will be collected in their neighborhoods. The fruits of this inequality are very evident in the enrollment rates of students in institutions of higher learning as statistics reveal that majority of students in these institutions are from the rich back grounds. The education system of the United States thus leads to inequality and denies the poor students an equal chance as the rich ones. Work cited: Bobo, Kimberley A. ; Wage Theft in America: Why Millions of Working Americans Are Not Getting Paid – and What We Can Do about It (2009): New Press, ISBN 1595584455. Ferguson, Ann Arnett; Bad boys: public schools in the making of black Masculinity (2001): University of Michigan Press, ISBN 0472088491. Greenhouse, Steven; The Big Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker (2008): Random House Inc, ISBN 1400044898. Kozol, Jonathan; The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America (2005): Crown Publishing Group, ISBN 0307339416. Lui, Meizhu; The Color of Wealth: The Story Behind the U. S. Racial Wealth Divide (2006): W. W. Norton, ISBN 1595580042.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Why Did the League of Nations Fail to Stop Italy Invading Abyssinia

The League of Nations failed to stop Italy invading Abyssinia because of many reasons. These reasons include Italy being a threat to the rest of the world, having an alliance with Italy, Abyssinia meant nothing to the League of Nations and the League couldn’t afford to help Abyssinia. Italy was a very powerful country in the 1930’s and the League of Nations failed to stop them invading. Italy was a major threat to the rest of the world because of all its power. There were many countries that were frightened of Italy. Among these countries were France and Britain. Italy’s navy army was overrated and with Britain thinking it was better than it was made them scared. They didn’t want to risk their own Navy, it was too important to them. France saw Italy as a threat because they thought Italy might join forces with Germany, and destroy the rest of the world. Which is why France and Britain’s votes were with Italy invading Abyssinia. Secondly, all the countries in the League of Nations wanted Italy on their side if Hitler planned an attack again. Throughout World War One Italy switched sides of the two alliances numerous times, so if Germany was to invade the League, they wanted to make sure they had Italy on their side. Which is another reason they didn’t stop Italy invading Abyssinia. Thirdly, Abyssinia is a small African country that meant little to the League of Nations. The Abyssinian Emperor – Haile Selassie – went to the League to appeal for help, but it did nothing. The League was too frightened that they thought it was safer to give up Abyssinia so Italy would join their forces. The League became defenceless, weak and no help to Abyssinia. Lastly, once Italy had invaded Abyssinia, the League of Nations didn’t want to send army’s over to defend because of the tragic ending in WWI. The end of the war left many countries helpless, even with the Treaty of Versailles. The League thought that if they sent army’s over to defend the Abyssinia there was a chance that the same horrific outcomes could happen just like in WWI. So they didn’t offer to help Abyssinia, instead they silently agreed that Italy could take over Abyssinia and they would do nothing about it. To conclude, Italy invaded Abyssinia without any problems from the League of Nations. The league was scared of Italy, they were scared of Germany attacking again and they were scared of the outcomes of WWI. The League became vulnerable and feeble being unable to do anything. Which is why the League of Nations failed to stop Italy invading Abyssinia.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Communication Theory & Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Communication Theory & Research - Assignment Example ards this issue through provision of information that has not been presented by other researchers, provision of solutions towards the same, and by tackling a key social issue. The researcher was interested in studying this topic because she wanted to raise the awareness of the effects that can result from a simple fat talk. In addition, in view of the negative metal concerns highlighted, she also intended to provide certain solutions to deal with this issue because dissatisfaction with one’s own body could be disastrous in a person’s interaction with other people in the society. This is because these individuals can view themselves as unwanted or as ugly making them vulnerable and prime targets for bullying. From a personal perspective, this research is both unique and important. This is because it tackles a topic that most people do not view as important but has far-reaching effects. Furthermore, besides providing information on effects of the same, the article has als o provided adequate information on how to revert the effects of the fat talk. This is the most important part as it provides a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

History Exam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

History Exam - Research Paper Example Making use of the contacts acquired along the silk route, Europe, and especially Spain, was learning several things from Asia, China and the Islamic world. Europeans tried to learn the craft of textile weaving and dyeing from Indians and Chinese (Pomeranz, 45). Africa was the most skilled manufacturer of steel and iron (Pomeranz, 45). In health care also, Europe had one or two things to learn from the Asian cities (Pomeranz, 46). There was technology transfer happening along the silk road from Europe to Asia and Africa as well. The spread of printing technology was an example. Cultural exchanges also enriched different civilisations along this trade route. But the fall of Mongol empire was fatal to the travels and transactions through this route and soon it disintegrated. The silk road was abandoned by European nations by sixteenth century as â€Å"lack of a unifying political authority in Central-Asia made long-distance overland trade in expensive goods less and less viable† (Foltz, 143). The Islamization of the silk road and the rising conflicts between Islamic world and the Christian world made Europeans think of viable trade alternatives (Foltz, 143). China and India were the new avenues to be explored but Europe yet had not access to these lands unless through Central Asia. The voyages to find a sea route to China and Asia accidentally led to the discovery of the New World, the Americas. The civilisation of Europe had a great cultural history to its credit until then.But gradually Europeans turned into the greatest colonisers and exploiters of the world. The material wealth and trade economy gained importance in the society than culture and human values. Atlantic islands were gaining importance in the life of Europe owing to three reasons. Many of these islands were virgin and extremely fertile  and could become the backdrop for highly productive agriculture (Parry, 121). The

Research paper for Don't ask, Don't tell' policy is a tacit Essay

Research paper for Don't ask, Don't tell' policy is a tacit recognition discrimination in United State armed force - Essay Example men have served their country wonderfully in the past and are striving hard to continue in the same vein in the present leading up to the future is a fact that is also acknowledged by General H. Norman Schwartzkopf. However, the problem that these opponents face, not necessarily citing the aforementioned personal as members of the group of opponents is the notion whether the productivity of heterosexual people will be in any way adversely affected by the presence of these homosexuals in their ranks. This fact is largely based on the apprehension amongst all that allowing homosexuals to serve side by side in the country will only contrive in augmenting the levels of discomfort of the scores of heterosexuals who are serving in the army. This discomfort on the part of the heterosexuals will only lead to the sad demise of the paradigm of â€Å"unit cohesion† i.e. everyone serving in a unit is treated on the same scale and as one entity regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity e tc; and this paradigm of governance is extremely important for the purpose of successful soldiering. Now, the proposition of the notion that these fears are responsible for the creation of a type of an unspoken, unwritten policy of preferential hiring and specific exclusion based on factors that should not be present for the process of recruitment would certainly seem to be a bit unfair at this point. However, we will tackle this problem from this exact viewpoint in order to ascertain whether there is any reason to believe in the truth of this statement. For this matter, we will also look at the empirical example of the military of four countries i.e. Britain, Australia, Israel and Canada and try to extrapolate any inferences for our specific case. Fifteen years ago, President Bill Clinton, the US Congress, and most of the nation were debating about whether self-proclaimed gays and lesbians could serve in the US military or not. Having promised in his campaign to extend this civic right to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How can we make the roads safer for those who share the road with Thesis - 1

How can we make the roads safer for those who share the road with bicyclists - Thesis Example The roads must be safer for all those who share them with bicyclists. Every life is precious, that of the rider on the bicycle or the gentleman driving the car. An accident is an accident and we know that it is an accident only when it happens! Deaths and injuries from car-bike collisions are common. The blame game-the motorists claiming the exclusive rights on the road, and the cyclists demanding equal rights-- is no solution to the issue. For road fatalities, cyclists are not alone responsible. The reasons are varied. Carelessness of the adventurous rider, mechanical problems, and bad road conditions are some of them. The cyclists demand their right on the road along with safety. An individual must first live to exercise the right! It is not a posthumous award! The argument that if there is no bicycle lane, the road should be out of bound for the cyclists, may be technically correct, but it defies solution. The motorists need to give up the stand that they are born to race the car at 100-120 km per hour, from the moment it is out of the garage till the final destination, is a greedy and one-sided approach. Limit the speed and accommodate the bicycle riders, instead of going ballistic over them. While tendering the advice I would address the session for the bicyclists first and urge them to follow the rules scrupulously. It is not a circus performance. Never zigzag to challenge the oncoming cars. Self-discipline is the life-saver. Cyclists demand rights on a city road, and that underlines perfect regard for the traffic rules. The end-results should be a win-win situation for all. The argument of the motorists that they have the exclusive rights to use the roads, for which they pay tax in dollars, is not perfect. Cyclists too have paid taxes at the time of purchasing the bicycle (though indirectly) and they are citizens of the country subject to all

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Christianity in Nigeria as Portrayed in Things Fall Apart Essay

Christianity in Nigeria as Portrayed in Things Fall Apart - Essay Example Religion to a primitive man is a critical issue and is mostly practised in a primitive manner. They practise all throughout the year and it sin opt a one day event on the week as seen by the Europeans. To them all activities that occur in society have to be followed by religious ritual activities and this was being opposed by the Europeans who felt that a specific day had to be set on the week where everybody would worship God (Achebe 94). The complex rituals were regarded as being primitive by the European missionaries and they felt that through introduction of Christianity they would teach them how to worship only one God. This was considered to be a great crime by the Ibo whom according to their culture thought that the Europeans were trying to disrespect egwugwu who was a representative of the ancestral spirits for the people. One of the warriors in Ibo gets converted and even kills his ancestral spirit leaving the whole clan weeping since according to them a great evil had been done. Those who get converted into Christianity are excommunicated from the Ibo society while others escape death narrowly. Introduction of Christianity would take time since in the Ibo culture religion was granted many responsibilities in the society which Christianity had omitted. Culture was conflicting with the interests of the Christians. For instance, Nneka had given birth to four sets of twins all of which had been abandoned in the evil forest a cultural trait that the missionaries were against. There was strict attention being paid to taboos and rituals and this was not the case with the missionaries who continued to recruit more people into their church including the pregnant woman who was recruited in the 28th day when the villagers expected them to die after clearing the evil forest. Such issues were being rejected by Christianity making it a challenge for people to accept Christianity (Achebe 104). They feared punishment from their personal chi and an end to their genera tion. There exists a very narrow space between an individual and their identity with their ancestors. This is attributed to the fact that they consider their ancestors to be intermediaries between them and their gods. Mr. Kiaga for instance has been recruited to Christianity and is encouraged to recruit more Africans but is afraid that the father can learn of it. The land of the living existed among the individuals and this was a hurdle that the Europeans had to handle first before introduction of Christianity. They were expected to do away with such aspects and this alone created conflict long before they thought of introducing and converting people into Christianity. However all was not fruitless as they succeeded in converting a few Africans with whom they worked with though the society could not accept them as they were regarded as being evil and outcasts. This is because they were not respecting their personal god (chi) and the ancestral spirits (Achebe 105). The ancestral spir its were ordered to punish them. The conflicts began to be widespread with the Christians experiencing the challenge of obtaining land in order to build a church. The outcasts, low ranking men who had no title in the society were among the first individuals to be converted into Christianity.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Rhetorical analysis about the westboro church. the link to the article Essay

Rhetorical analysis about the westboro church. the link to the article is on the intructions - Essay Example Among the many freedoms that the American people enjoy, the freedom of speech was the first amendment made to the American constitution and was included in the bill of rights. It is the most fundamental freedom and given priority by the founding fathers to define the American spirit. However, expression of this right is dependent on the individual and the topic under discussion. Sensitive topics attract a lot of debate from different parties who may be in favour or against the ideas that one expresses. Moreover, it is necessary to realise that the universe is not homogenous in its views and, it is through this that the world grows (Werhan, 8). The expression of this freedom can lead to overexploitation, which is punishable by law in cases where the law refers to it as hate speech. In such cases, it leads to issuance of verdicts when expression of this freedom causes emotional or physical damage when directed to parties who may not be the right receivers of the blame or the doers of such an act. However, radical means have to be within the limits of the constitution if they are to be used to express freedom of speech. This will attract no punishment because this freedom is enshrined in the American constitution. This calls for consideration of the extent to which individuals can exercise their freedom of speech because of the many fatalities that have resulted due unnecessary blames and pressures exerted on an individual who is purported to go against moral standards. This piece of writing is addressed to learned individuals in the American society because this writer applies impartiality in addressing the freedom of expression. This is because the writer does not give limitations on exercise of their freedom of speech. He only exposes all sides of this freedom and gives the reader an opportunity to decide their stance. The general American population does not have adequate knowledge about the bill of rights.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mentorship Meeting Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Mentorship Meeting Worksheet Essay Please complete this sheet with your mentor and submit it to your instructor. Date of Meeting: Meeting Duration: 1. Meeting notes – what was discussed during your meeting? Discipline in your work environment, being responsible with yourself and your coworkers and help the best possible way to help work get done in a moderate time. 2. What issues have you encountered since the last meeting and how did you address them? Sexual harassment in a work environment, 0 tolerance to this issue. You should always listen to both ends no matter what is the circumstance and always give the benefit of the doubt. 3. Discuss a change your mentor implemented and what types of challenges he or she encountered. What were some of the successful and unsuccessful points during the implementation? My mentor told me of a big issue she encounter at her company that lasted for a while, miscommunication between management. Each manager or supervisor was following their own taught and ideas there was no organization and accurate communication with each other. It got to a point where she was thinking of putting her resignation. She took a stand and made some changes and brought to the company professional team from outside, they started to create new policies, laws and regulations for all employees to follow. The success at the end was better communication especially between the managers and at the end the rest of the personnel new what guides and goals to follow to success.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Influence Of Italy on the English Renaissance

Influence Of Italy on the English Renaissance The Italian renaissance is said to be a phenomenon of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and is explained as an outgrowth of the rise of the independent city-states. It is a cultural phenomenon where the humanist ethos finds expression in culture and the arts, especially in the fields of painting and poetry. Starting from the Italian city-states, the same phenomenon is seen to have spread across Europe in the succeeding centuries, and the English renaissance is located in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. It is only natural that poets and playwrights of the English renaissance be fascinated by the Italian experience, and there are several dimensions to this fascination. The renaissance itself meant a revival of classicism, where the standards of art, thought, and culture in general, are sought in the antiquity of Greece and Rome. Therefore, the gaze towards the Mediterranean shores took into account not only the present situation, but also a distant and glorious past. In fact, the inherent tensions in the comparison between past and present are what principally dictates the direction of the English renaissance, and eventually lends to it its unique character. We will study aspects of Ben Jonsons play Volpone in order to identify some of the key dynamics of the English experience in regard to its relationship with Italy. It is an ideal play to study in this respect. Ben Jonson was the foremost classicist of his age, and in the play Volpone are present many of the tensions that inform the English renaissance. According to R. V. Young, [W]ith the exception of John Milton, there is no English poet more learned than Ben Jonson, and none who makes learning such an integral part of his literary work.  [1]  The principle concern of Jonson is to find the right balance between the old and the new. This is a newly emerging concern, and something that most characterizes the English experience. The renaissance was initially informed by a blind devotion towards antiquity, but in turn produced its own exemplars in the likes of Petrarch, Dante, Aristo and Tasso. Hadfield defines the renaissance as reinterpretation and reusing of what had gone before.  [2]  Jonson believes firmly in rules of art laid down in antiquity by the likes of Aristotle and Horace, whereas the new achievements remain enigmatic to him. There is more freshness and delight in the new, but it is always accompanied by a tendency to corrupt, and Jonson intends to advocate caution in this regard. His advice, in Discoveries, is to absorb the classics before the new: When their judgments are firm and out of danger, let them read both the old and the new; but no less take heed that their new flowers and sweetness do not as much corrupt as others dryness and squalor, if they choose not carefully.  [3]   The ultimate effect of the new is that it transforms the devotional approach to antiquity into a more critical one. The Poetaster is an early play of Jonsons in which the clash between the old and the new takes centre stage. The verdict is firmly in favour of the old, but the dispute has the effect of eliminating blind devotion and putting in its place a more discriminatory approach to the classics. One result of the critical approach is that it reveals that there was criticism among the ancients too, and that the rules laid down does not make for a homogeneous set. Aristotle lays down his rules of poetics from pure considerations, whereas Horace, coming three centuries later, believes that there should be an element of entertainment mixed with strict purposefulness: But he hath every suffrage, can apply / Sweet mixd with sowre, to his Reader, so / As doctrine, and delight together go.  [4]  The above lines are taken from Jonsons own translation of Horaces Ars Poetica, and it des cribes an approach that the Jacobean writer adopts himself. Volpone is introduced as aiming to mix profit with your pleasure.  [5]   The play is essentially a farce, with an abundance of incidence, and with a plethora of unsavoury characters, practicing their wiles on each other and ending up in convoluted situations. There is an explicit and straightforward moral message in the end, because Volpone and all those who covet his wealth end up caught and punished by law. However, there are more subtle readings possible, which concern the conflict between the classical order and the emerging ethos of the times. The setting in Venice is the first significant detail. The city was viewed as the epicentre of the renaissance, and therefore a perfect backdrop in which to present the new fashions. A large number of the Elizabethan and Jacobean plays are set in the prosperous and mercantile cities of Italy, and with the same object of alluding to the emerging trends at home. Jonson is more ambitious, however, and therefore introduces the travelling nobles Sir Politic and Lady Would-be, who exemplify all the abuses of classici sm that Jonson would highlight. They are negative examples, like almost everything else in the play. Their presence is incidental to the plot, and the incessant chattering of Lady Would-be only infuriates Volpone. However, Jonsons purpose is served best through them. Early in the play Sir Politic is asked to elaborate on the purpose of his travels, and he explains that the wise man should not be limited to his native country, or even to Europe, and he essentially conveys the modern wisdom that travelling broadens the mind. In this context it must be remembered that the wisdom is essentially a modern one, and that insularity was the norm in the days when travelling was arduous and expensive. The renaissance itself can be described as a journey, from the old to the new, and to the English it most of all represented a breaking away from insularity. The travellers do indeed represent the renaissance spirit, and the rationale of Sir Politic expresses it perfectly: Yet, I protest, it is no salt desire Of seeing countries, shifting a religion, Nor any disaffection to the state Where I was bred, and unto which I owe My dearest plots, hath brought me out.  [6]   But Jonson is always ready to point out the dangers of picking up fashions in the place of wisdom or knowledge, and this is the particular talent of Lady Would-be. Her husband points out that she is slightly different in her intentions, which are to observe, / To quote, to learn the language, and so forth  [7]   To Lady Would-be it is all fashion. She delights in quoting the classical authors, even though she quotes inaccurately, and is unable to differentiate one from the other. She is particular about her behaviour, and does not want to exchange animated words in public because It comes too near rusticity in a lady, / Which I would shun, by all means (Ibid 77). To this end she quotes Castigliones Courtier, a renaissance manual to proper conduct. At another place she elaborates on her concept of the enlightened lady: I would have A lady, indeed, to have all letters and arts, Be able to discourse, to write, to paint, But principal (as Plato holds) your music (And, so does wise Pythagoras, I take it) Is your true rapture.  [8]   Plato and Pythagoras do indeed advance theories of music, but they are very different from each other, and have very little to do with the actual practice of music. Through Lady Would-bes cavalier quoting Jonson intends to show how classicism can be reduced to mere fashion. The Itinerary of Fynes Moryson provides some support for Jonsons portrayal of Lady Would-be. After observing the feminine traits across the continent he declares the English woman to be the most liberated among them: England is the hell of horses, the purgatory of servants, and the paradise of women; because the English men ride Horses without measure, and use their Servants imperiously, and their Women obsequiously.  [9]  He also lends support to Jonsons portrayal of the English renaissance man as a traveller. [T]hey have worn out all the fashions of France and all the nations of Europe, he says regarding the Englishman, who is so fond of fashion that he borrows from all the nations and settles on a motley composite.  [10]  In a more philosophical vein, this is the attitude of Sir Politic. In conclusion, Jonson satirizes some traits of the English renaissance through the incidental characters of Sir Politic and Lady Would-be in his comedy Volpone. He makes classical allusions throughout the play, generally to highlight the abuses of the classical heritage, and also to impress the importance of it in relation to the English renaissance. In the final analysis, Jonsons accomplishment is to have introduced a critical approach to classicism, which was crucial to the cultural evolution in England.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Impact Of Social Media Marketing Essay

The Impact Of Social Media Marketing Essay This assignment discussing about the impact of social media on the way businesses are conducted today in terms of technological, economical, political and cultural exchanges brought about by these form of modern communication. As we know this modern communication platform giving impact to businesses today. We dont have any control to social media because this platform giving users freedom to express their opinions, experiences or anything that they wants. Social media providing big opportunity to organization to build better relation with clients and providing real one to one communication. Customers are now become more particular about with whom and from where they are buying products or services. One of the main reason why businesses must use social media is because their competition using this platform daily as marketing strategy. Customers and future customers also using that. Case study on giant restaurant McDonalds showing that even big companies also unable to control the power of social media. Wildfire ROI Survey 2011 survey shows that, marketers admits social media helping them to increase brand awareness and increasing customer relation. Businesses that directly interacting with customers should use social media to increase their revenue and increase the brand awareness. Many organizations now start using internal social network which connects their employees all around the world. For example, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Restaurants have more then 460 outlets in America using internal social network to make sure daily operation getting much better and they become one of the famous restaurant in America. The number one world retailer who have more then 2.2 million employees in 2012, Wal-Mart using social media platform to streamline supply chains and manage the stocks and inventories more efficiently to reduce the product price. Any products related to social media also helping boost the world economy. Products like laptops, iPads, iPhones, headphone, headset and so on which used by customers to access social media received very high demand. Thousands of companies worldwide involved in offering social media services offers thousands of jobs opportunity. Some Fail Stories of Businesses when Using Social Media is Netflix where they are one of the top internet subscription service for watching movies and TV programs from any countries lost 800,000 customers because avoid listening to customers feedback form social media. Example of Success Companies because of Social Media is KLM Royal Dutch Airlines where successfully enjoy with meet and seat campaign which let the passengers choose the seatmate before board the plane. As a conclusion, Social media promising a lot of opportunities and challenges, so organization must prepare themselves to facing this. What is Social Media? Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein describe social media as a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. Social Media contains two words. The first one is Social which means interaction, sharing and so on. Another word is Media where to say that social media is a medium for publication. Social media contains a lot of tools and applications which let the users express their opinion, publish articles, sharing videos and so on easily. Social Media Landscape The chart below shows the social media network landscape. There have a lot of different tools and services which allow users to do almost anything that they want. For publishing articles, opinions, news and so on there have blogs, wikis and citizen journalism portals. Twitter is for Micro publication. There have thousands of website that allow users to share videos, pictures, links, music, slideshows and product reviews. Websites like, FlickR and so on are some of the popular sites. To make discussion and sharing ideas or even making complaint about any companies, there have forums, video forums, instant messaging and VoIP. Social Media also allow us to watch world live tv programs or even live football from anywhere in the world. There also have platforms for virtual words, social gaming and MMO. The most popular network on internet is Social Networks like Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and so on that connecting anybody from anywhere. According to Edison Research Survey in 2012 (the only providers of exit polling information for ABC, CNN, CBS, Fox, NBC, The AP and most of newspapers worldwide) says that, more then half American has created profile in any Social Networking websites. Edison Research Survey in 2012 also shows that nearly two thirds of social networkers are using social sites daily. Social Media History Social Media history began in 1969 when CompuServe Company offers internet services for public using dial-up technology in United States. Then in 1979 Usenet become first bulletin board which connects Duke University and University of North Carolina. The development process continuously moving until Tripod introduced online community for college students and young adults in 1992. In 1997 there have more then one million sites on the internet including social media sites like AOL Instant Messenger. Frindster become biggest social networking site in 2002 with more then 3 million users. In 2003 Myspace, Frindster clone site launched and LinkedIn also launched their business-oriented social networking site for professionals. In 2004 Facebook started their operation which offers networking opportunity for Harvard College. YouTube come to the world in 2005 and give excitements to the world with video sharing features. In 2011 social media can be accessed from anywhere in the world and beco me one of the important thing in our life. Thousands of sites offers social media services in 2012 and all this sites very flexible and can be accessed through many different devices. Companies are now forced to use social media to make sure their brand always in customers mind. Social Media Influence According to Sir Andrew Likierman, London Business School Dean, social media has completely disrupted the way businesses assess their performance. This statement is completely true because social media not longer an option but is a must especially companies that dealing straightly with customers. Some business can completely avoid thinking about social media like wholesalers because they just dealing with another business. Since social media become more power, organization facing difficulties to measure their performance. They must have specific strategy for social media or even companies could have one special unit that handle feedbacks and responses from user. Any negative feedbacks should grab attention and they have to discuss on how to react with any negative comments. Any negative response from customers will be there on net forever. No way to remove that and because of that, companies that avoid think about social media will lose some customers. Customers are now become more particular about with whom and from where they are buying products or services. They willing to make online search before making any purchase decision especially for expensive items. Since internet is now more conveniently searchable through smart phones, customer can make search in just a minutes. Thats why companies must have social media presence and put some attention to manage customer response and try to convincing them that the business is reputable and trusted. Social media providing big opportunity to organization to build better relation with clients and providing real one to one communication. There have no better advertising then word of mouth. Satisfied customers surely will share to their friends in their social network about their experiences with a particular company. If one person shares their experience to his 400 Facebook friends, and that friends spread that news to their friends, the information moves extremely fast. If a video uploa ded in YouTube with attracting title like Think Twice before you eat XXX, this video surely will grab thousands or even millions of social medial users. With Share function available almost in any site, in just a second we can share anything to social media community. One of the main reason that we must use social media is because our competition using that daily as marketing strategy. If we not use mean we loosing customers. Emarketer says in 2011, the Facebook advertising revenue estimated at 3.8 billion dollar and can increase to 5.2 billion dollar in 2012. What does it mean?, this numbers shows that a lot of businesses using social media to make advertising. A lot of businesses have social media networks account. As a result, competitors are forced to make online presence. They have no option, make appearance in social media or you will lose customers. Another big reason why a business should using social media because their customers and future customers using it. A lot of people have at lease one social media account like Facebook, YouTube and so on. A business should present their brand where customers are. Traditionally we can see people open shops at crowd places like in shopping mall and so on. The same case here where a business should present in crowd place like social media. Million of people using that every day. You didnt show mean, the competitor getting stronger. According to McKinsey, organization that using social media able to increase 50 percent customers satisfaction. They also able to catch 48 percent in business lead and the most important is, their profit increase 24 percent. Case Study (McDonalds) I would like to discuss about, what are the impacts of Social Media to one of the worlds popular fast food giant company McDonalds. If we search the word McDonalds on (one of the top video sharing site), there have 124,000 results. Among this results we can found that, thousand of results that showing bad thing about McDonalds. Some of the video titles are: Video with title McDonalds horror got more then 4.2 million views with 8,859 likes. Hundred of the viewers commented on this video and one of the comment is I think I  »Ã‚ ¿dont want to eat french fries from McD again which got more then one thousand likes. This video showing about McDonalds foods and why some of their food takes long time to spoil. This is how now days people using social media to express their opinions and sharing bad thing about any brands. They are now having power which can influence other people behaviors. People who watching this video then surely with spread this to their friends, relations and so on. This is real challenge to McDonalds and most of companies. Some competitor also may misuse social media to spreading bad thing about their competitors company. Any people can upload videos showing bad thing about their competitors company and they also may set specific campaign to putting them down. Nobody can stop this kind of behaviors and activities. As response, I see McDonalds showing some effort to explain questions that asked by viewers. McDonalds uploaded some response video. One of the video titles is Behind the scenes at a McDonalds photo shoot (with 7 million views and more then 17,000 likes) which explains answers to questions asked by viewers. McDonalds realized the impact of videos uploaded by their customers to their business. If McDonalds didnt do anything as response to videos that showing bad things about them, surely this will impact their business performance and lost huge amount of customers. I found that McDonalds still didnt answer many more questions asked by customer through social media. They only answer some of them and huge amount of videos still havent have any answer. In January 2012, McDonalds launched Twitter campaign with hashtag #McDStories which let the customers to post nostalgic stories and their experiences with Happy Meals (one of the famous meal sold by McDonalds). As response, customers start to share bad stories about Happy Meals like customer service, food quality. One of their post is just got a terrible burger thats been there four hours. This is one of the fail campaign by McDonalds. As a lesson we must understand that social media offering big opportunity and big risk. Peoples perception and feedbacks is uncontrollable. Companies should have some contingency plan which can be used if any problem happens. Even worlds big giant restaurant also unable to control the social media. Measuring the Business Impact of Social Media (Wildfire ROI Survey 2011) Social media is a long term strategy which falls under advertising and public relation investment. When social media combined with other marketing strategies, a particular brand will always at peoples mind. In November 2011, Wildfire (a division of Google) who is worlds largest social media marketing software providers, involved in ROI survey. This survey conducted to over 700 marketers from number of countries. This survey shows that, marketers admit social media helping them to increase brand awareness and increasing customer relations. Over 97% of marketers believes that social media marketing campaign increasing their business performance. As a long time strategy they also want to increase social media spending. This survey also shows that (see figure 3), social media have power to growing brand awareness and able to increasing sales and partnerships. 41% marketers agreed that this media able to reducing cost that will result in revenue increase. 94% respondents ranked Facebook as one of their biggest social marketing platform which giving more value to their campaign. Facebook giving more new customers, have high conversion rate and increased customers loyalty. As a summary of this survey we can see that social media changing how we doing business today. Businesses that directly interacting with customers should use social media to increase their revenue and increase the brand awareness. Day to day, social media getting more complex and businesses should start a set long term social media strategy. Big companies can use this media to improve their customer service because they can keep on eye on customers behaviors and react fast. The Impact of Social Media on the Way Businesses are Conducted Today Technological Impact Many organizations now start using internal social network which connects their employees all around the world. For example, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Restaurants have more then 460 outlets in America. They are using internal social network which look similar like Facebook to teach their employees and managers about the recipes and how to make them fast. They are no more using traditional ways like send out bunch of books to each outlet. They are also no more waiting for feedback when store visit by headquarters and so on. Any problems that occur in any outlet get fast response from headquarters in just in few minutes. Everything becomes more easy and fast with internal social networks. Managers communicate with other managers in other outlet through chat or video conversation function. More exiting news is, they are creating burgers according to customers feedback in social media. As a result, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers becomes one of the famous restaurants in America. More and more companies are now using social media technology to speed up the business process and make sure every job done effectively. The number one world retailer who have more then 2.2 million employees in 2012, Wal-Mart using social media platform to streamline supply chains and manage the stocks and inventories more efficiently to reduce the product price. Many banks in America using social media to reduce cost for processing mortgages. SupeValu is one of the company who have number of supermarket chains in America using Yammer (enterprise social network software) to connect all 11,000 executives and store managers. They created 1000 groups in that network to discuss about challenges and discussing new ideas. All store managers are in one group where discussing problems and ideas. Another group of supervisors discussing problem related to their controls. This method is more cost effective rather then holding meeting where participated by all managers. According to McKinsey Co. Survey, they found that two-third of big companies in United States are now using web 2.0 application like internal social networks or blogs, 50% increase from year 2008. 90% of this companies admit that, this new communication way improved their operation and the process getting much faster. Eric Lesser, one of the Director at IBMs Institute for Business Value, said that social media make the communication between the worlds professionals with various skills to sharing ideas and solving problems easily. Social media technology moving extremely fast. This forcing company to have dynamic team which can learn new thing much faster. The software related to social media updated more regularly. The team must always ready anytime to facing new challenges. They must understand the most effective way to use social media which can bring good result for the company. All this pushing companies to spend more and have specific budget. Social media increased the number of internet users worldwide. From 2008 to 2012 the world internet users increased by 30% according to BBC. This forced internet service providers to finding new ways to speedup the internet connection. This to make sure all business activities can be done much faster, cheaper and in more effective way. Now we can use 4G and Fiber Optic network to send out emails or any services just in second. Conversation thought Skype becomes more comfort without any interruption. More and more companies using latest technology for communicate with other people. This is another good impact of social media. Economical Impact Social media helped businesses to create product which have high demand and according to customers needs. Customer giving feedbacks which helped many companies to develop their products and services. Companies like Dell using ideas from customers to creating and improving their products. One of the example is created backlit keyboards which is more suitable when working on airplanes. Companies who creating products according to customers needs surely will help boost the economy because high demand to that products. Any products related to social media also helping boost the world economy. Products like laptops, iPads, iPhones, headphone, headset and so on which used by customers to access social media received very high demand. Meg Whitman who is CEO of HP, says that in the past 2 years the sales for their laptops increased to more then 60%. The dramatic increase mainly because of impact of social media. More and more people using social media now and devices such as laptops receive high demand. Apple, Inc also admits that the sales for their hot product iPad received high demand as a result of social media. Social media also created job opportunities which can help the economy. Social media created thousands of jobs opportunities. Facebook has more then 2,000 employees, Twitter has 300 employees and Groupon employed more then 4,500 workers. This only some figures, there have thousands of companies worldwide involved in offering social media services which offer thousands of jobs opportunity. World economy increased and unemployment rate decreased. Business associated with facebook created 232,000 new job opportunity in Europe in 2012 according to the news published by CNN. Social media also created new industry where many people able to make income online. Many people are now enjoying income from home and helped house wifes to generate income to helping their husband while take care of their children at home. Social media contributed many benefits to the economy but there also have some negative impact. Entertainment industry especially film industry affected by social media. Film makers invest million of dollars to make movies. Thought social media sites like You Tube or any file sharing sites, any people can enjoy new movies at no cost. Even though industry players took some actions to reduce the impact, but they unable to stop this activity totally. Political Impact Many country leaders are now encouraging people to use social media. One of the greatest example is Malaysian Prime Ministers, Najib Tun Razak. He has more then one million Facebook fans as well as Tweeter. He sharing a lot of information though his network about his daily activity and so on. As a result, many companies start using social media especially Facebook on their daily operation. Most of businesses in Malaysia have Facebook ID. If we go deeper about the impact of social media in Malaysia, we can see Lynas Corporation project. Lynas project is from Australian company Lynas Corporation. This company supplies rare earths for many businesses. Many opposition political parties in Malaysia shows protects against this project because they believe this project provide danger for local environments. Malaysian citizen shows protect against this project thought social media. Facebook and many other social networks filled with feedback about this project. As a result government took some action to explain to citizen about this project and promise to evaluate back the existence of this project in Malaysia. This in one of the example showing clearly how social media impact governments decision and businesses. Cultural Exchanges Impact Social media highly impact most of business aspect. Now many businesses especially who have big number of employees start using internal social networking utilities which makes communication among them made simple. According to research made by Garner, in 2014 it assumed that more then 20 percent of businesses will use internal social networking utilities which will replace email communication now. With internal communication social network, any latest activities by company and so on will known by their employees much faster. Social media impact on human resource process from recruitment, development, career management, mentoring and so on. For example, LinkedIn is a social networking site for peoples in professional occupations. This site has more then 140 million members. Many organizations using this site to search for real talent peoples. Many HR departments using LinkedIn nowadays for recruitment where this site offer many tools that can be used to view full profile and so on. Companies also posting jobs at this site. This site opens new way to search for talented professionals. Professionals enjoy sharing their experiences on this site. Social media sites also used by companies to evaluate their employees and future employees. For example, after Human Resource department conducted interview for job openings, they will search candidate details through social network sites such as Facebook to examine whether that candidate suitable or not or has any bad things about them. This is one of the way how human resource department are now evaluate their candidate. Social networks like Facebook extremely giving big impact to world culture. We could have friends from many countries and communication with them able us to understand about their culture. Businesses now try to explore new markets. Companies like KFC and McDonalds try to localize some of their foods. Using customers feedback from social network, these companies try to add some local foods from that particular country together with their main menus. Nasi Ayam which is one of the Malaysia local foods available at KFC. They also try to add foods from other countries to local market. Social media useful to trading companies. If they found Iranian drink getting popular in Malaysia, they start importing these drinks to be sold at Malaysia. The ideas are come from customers feedback from social media. Now we can enjoy foods and dresses which belongs to other culture available at local market. Some disadvantages of social media to companies is, social media will give negative impact to workers productivity. Employees may wasting time to engage with their friends rather then doing the work that they should do. Now days we can see many employees using social network in office hours especially when their bosses are not around. Some Fail Stories of Businesses When Using Social Media Netflix is one of the top internet subscription service for watching movies and TV programs from any country. They have more then 27 million subscribers in America, Canada, United Kingdom and Ireland. When they increased their monthly subscription price, customers showed their protection through social media with more then 82,000 negative comments. Next month they lost 800,000 customers. As we can see companies can use social media as one of the platform to evaluate whether any decision that they made which is relating to customers. Any negative response must get fast attention from organization. In 2012, giant car maker Toyota launched Camry Effect Campaign on Twitter to promote Camry. They has created number of Twitter account. This campaign is designed for directly communicate with users but what happen is, big number of users start to accuse Toyota because bombarding and spamming then with many unsolicited messages. As response Toyota suspended their accounts. Until now this campaign well known as fails campaign. The main problem with this campaign is, not because Toyota Spamming then but the content of the messages that they send out is not attracting. They also are sending same messages content over and over. They are only sending promotional messages which not help to build relationship with users. Example of Success Companies because of Social Media KLM Royal Dutch Airlines in well known as one of the largest airlines in the world. They able to attract future customers in unique ways and convert them as paying customers. They really clear about what customer wants and they believe customers paying for journey. They started social media in 2009, after some failure they come out with very controversial successful idea. They made join venture with social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and so on and created tool which can help passengers to choose seatmate before board the plane. This campaign named meet and seat. After passengers choose the seat mate, they can communicate with them using social networks like Facebook before they meet at flight. This one of the great idea KLM where utilizing social media and give ultimate experience to their passenger. Disadvantage of Social Media for Business A successful online presence especially in social media, a company needs an experienced team which can improve companies reputation. Social media becomes unique and able to drive a lot of sales when they engage with their customers. This mean they have to reply messages, comments and so on. Pushing sales without engaging with customers or not respond to negative feedback will damage the companies reputation. We also must produce new contents and always find out ways to overcome to any negative feedback. There have thousands of sites in social media which can be used to our business benefit. Is not easy for evaluate which site we should pay attention more and which site gives real value for investments. Return on Investment evaluation process is not an easy with social media. Wrong online presence strategy will damage the companies reputation and put them at a viral social disadvantages. Any mistake they make in front of thousand of fans or social media members will result in big reputation impact. So we must careful when perform social media campaign. Using social media marketing and advertising campaign could be more time consuming because we have to watch out every activity that we should do and engaging with people. Advantage of Social Media for Business The advertising cost is much more cheaper then traditional advertising and promotional activities. Social media also gives full value for every penny we spend. Traditional advertising only show the brand to the customer but with social media we can build long term relationship through Like function and can get their email address for send future emails. Future customer able to find our brand through many channels like sharing activities, news, search engine search result and so on which give us free advertising. Social media can bring huge amount of traffic to our content especially when that content grabbing their attention. This what we can call free traffic or free customers. Social media allows customers to express their experiences to others. A satisfies customers surely can bring another new customer though sharing experience activity. This also able to motivates companies to do the best as they can because consumers are now have freedom to express their views and feedback without any blocks. Companies will improve their products and services to customers. Conclusion Social media gives deep impact to the business world today from small companies to big giant companies. Social media landscape is big and the system and technology continuously growing and changing everyday. Companies who using and presented in social media enjoying big benefits. Some companies received negative impact. Social media not longer an option but is a must especially companies that dealing straightly with customers. Social media promising a lot of opportunities and challenges, so organization must prepare themselves to facing this.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Health Care Interpreting Essays -- Communication, Bilingual People, Tr

Introduction As the demand of health-care interpreting is growing, health institutions need more professional medical interpreters. As an interpreter, however, many untrained bilingual people interpret between the patients and the medical practitioners in medical setting in Korea. When the interpreters who are related to the patient interpret for the patient and the medical practitioners, impartiality sometimes is challenged because it is difficult to adhere to neutrality when their relatives or friends are involved. This paper is aiming to figure out the principle of impartiality which seems to be most challenged and consequences of using relatives and friends as the interpreter drawn from my own interpreting experience in medical settings. Description When I was in Korea, I used to be a volunteer interpreter in international clinic. As a volunteer interpreter, my job was not demanded professional medical interpreting skills. One day, I got a call from a nurse who had a foreign patient. She told me that the patient was an English man and he needed an interpreter when he sees a doctor. The nurse also said that this consultation did not contain serious or difficult medical terminology. When I went to the waiting room, I recognized that he is my former English professor. He also remembered me so we exchanged greetings. While we were exchanging greetings, the nurse asked about our relationship and I told her that I took his class in last semester. When the nurse heard my story, she said that it might be good if the patient has a company who know him. At that time, I thought that our relationship, professor and student, would not be a problem to be an interpreter for him. Therefore, I showed him into the doctor’s room and started ... ... the patient. As a matter of situation and literature, I believe that the interpreters should not take an assignment which is related to the interpreter in medical setting. However, if the relationship with the patient is leading to successful consequences, the interpreters should take an assignment as the patient’s needed. Conclusion The top priority of the medical interpreters is removing language barrier between the medical practitioners and the patients and helping the patients to treat properly. Indeed, impartiality can be challenged in medical setting. However, some articles are pointed out that the interpreter who is related to the patient is not always harmful to the patients and the medical practitioners. Therefore, when the medical interpreters take an assignment, they should consider what the best is for the patients and the medical practitioners.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Feminine Roles in Othello Essay -- Othello essays

Feminine Roles in Othello  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   A variety of roles have women in them in William Shakespeare’s tragic drama Othello. Let us in this essay examine the female characters and their roles.    One key role for the heroine of the drama, Desdemona, is to support the general. David Bevington in William Shakespeare: Four Tragedies enlightens us about the hero’s dependence on Desdemona:    Othello’s most tortured speeches (3.4.57-77, 4.2.49-66) reveal the extent to which he equates the seemingly betraying woman he has so depended on for happiness with his own mother, who gave Othello’s father a handkerchief and threatened him with loss of her love if he should lose it. Othello has briefly learned and then forgotten the precious art of harmonizing erotic passion and spiritual love, and as these two great aims of love are driven apart in him, he comes to loathe and fear the sexuality that puts him so much in mind of his physical frailty and dependence on woman. (226)    At the outset of the play Iago persuades the rejected suitor of Desdemona, Roderigo, to accompany him to the home of Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, in the middle of the night. Once there the two awaken the senator with loud shouts about his daughter’s elopement with Othello. This is the initial reference to the role of women in the play – the role of wife. In response to the noise and Iago’s vulgar descriptions of Desdemona’s involvement with the general, Brabantio arises from bed. Iago’s bawdy references to the senator’s daughter present a second role of women – that of illicit lover. With Roderigo’s help, he gathers a search party to go and find Desdemona and bring her home. The father’s attitude is that life without his Desdemona will be much ... ... murder on.† Emilia is aware that she is violating social convention here: â€Å"’Tis proper I obey him, but not now.† This violation costs her dearly Emilia’s stunning interrogation and conviction of her own husband as the evil mastermind behind the murder results in Iago’s killing her. Despondent Othello, grief-stricken by remorse for the tragic mistake he has made, stabs himself and dies on the bed next to his wife.    Thus it is seen that the roles of women are many and varied – and are key to the successful development of the story.       WORKS CITED    Bevington, David, ed. William Shakespeare: Four Tragedies. New York: Bantam Books, 1980.    Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.               

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Edward Marshall Boehm Essay

Edward Marshall Boehm is a company that is all about delivering quality while focusing on Nature. This report will include the vision, mission, SWOT, internal and external environments, and a strategic decision from my team in specific detail. Edward Marshall Boehm had a vision that was different from other businesses. Their vision was, â€Å"To capture that special moment and setting which conveys the character, charm, and loveliness of a bird or animal in its natural habitat†. This vision was set in order to attract a specific demographic and that was people who enjoy and embrace nature. Edward Marshall Boehm had a mission that was very similar to its vision. The mission was, â€Å"Make the world aware and protective of endangered wildlife by making them aware of nature’s charm†. I got a quote directly from the company when I called and someone who was very close to Mr. Boehm told me that, â€Å"Mr. Boehm wanted to achieve the bigger picture and that was sending his Vision and Mission around to everybody so that people would understand why he does what he does. You can only tell this to your class but Mr. Boehm would sometimes write personal letters to buyers with both the Vision and Mission written on there. He felt that personally writing that would make customers value their product more and value him more† (Richard Bassel). As we focused in on the external environments of Edward Marshall Boehm, we found many opportunities and risks. One factor surround Boehm Inc. is the market they compete in. Their market is not a very large market. Focusing in on adapting other markets could be very useful to the company and help them grow. One suggestion we have is to adapt into a European environment. By doing so, Boehm Inc. can broaden their line of products and adapt a market that is extremely large. Having knowledge about your external environments is crucial in business. While looking at retailers that have Boehm’s products I was shocked. There are little to no stores in the states with the most endangered species and nature. There is one store in California, which is the state with the most endangered species. No stores in Colorado, Oregon, Montana, and Alaska. Those states, to me, are arguable some of the most beautiful states when it comes to wildlife and nature. We suggest that Boehm Inc. finds stores that can sell his merchandise in these states. This will make his business grow and most important have more people aware of Boehm’s vision and mission. When we take a look at Boehm’s internal environment we start at the hard working employees, management, and structure/leadership of the organization. The management of Boehm Inc. is the backbone of the internal environment. One problem we found with Boehm Inc. was the leadership quality. Boehm specifically says, â€Å"We want to further the position the company for the long run†. Going along with Boehm’s vision and mission, if his company wanted to plan for the future, what happens when Mr. Boehm passes on? Boehm passed away in 1969. They still sell his products today but are they selling his products with another vision and mission? If Boehm was so focused on people recognizing his vision and mission, why didn’t he think to have other sculptors come in so that when the time comes they can continue to make products based on his vision? This is a question that cannot be answered but clearly there was a lack of leadership. Boehm used his external environment to make his internal environment better. EX. Boehm found that customers liked his dogs and horses but wanted his birds, so he started creating more exotic and large bird pieces. As you can see from the diagram above, there are several types of values that when put together determine many different things. Control values are focused on productivity, which lies with management. Ethical values are all about teams and teamwork, which goes with the structure of the company. Development values is all about planning and research which also lies with management. The relation between the internal environment and the external environment has a significant meaning to the overall productivity of the company. All of these values combined help in making decisions and completing long and short-term goals and objectives. Boehm Inc. has many strengths. The management is a very close related group. They are progressively growing the company looking for more opportunities. The quality of Boehm’s pieces is what pulls them apart from any other company. They are one of a kind pieces. This draws people to want them more and they have a collectors feeling on them. The weaknesses of Boehm Inc. slightly outweigh their strengths. The process of creating their products takes a very long time, which is not what companies usually want. The leadership of the company seems to be lost in a sense. Nobody is taking charge and setting up the company for future success. Since they don’t use technology and it is an old fashioned, a possible competition threat is at risk. Another interesting topic about Boehm is forecasting. The company can’t really forecast their sales because some items may be in demand while others aren’t. Since the process takes a while it puts them in an awkward position. There are many opportunities for the company. Updating their online store is a start that could make significant progress. New markets are another large opportunity. The company can grow if they decide to search into another market. With the speed of their process being so slow, they might want to look to speed it up some way. This will require significant research and knowledge about a specific plan or plans. Threats for Boehm Inc. are not major but still are nothing to look past. New artists could threaten the company because they could make cheaper products that almost look like â€Å"knock-offs†. These would severely damage the company. Substitute materials are another topic that could really hurt Boehm’s company. Instead of high-grade porcelain, other companies could look to use lower grade material but still produce beautiful products. After completing our SWOT analysis, our team has come up with some options for Boehm to explore. Boehm has a very functional online store. We think that because technology is so important now, Boehm could use the online site for something more than just selling. Boehm’s Vision and Mission, because they were so important should be expressed on the site. By giving a brief description of the animals and nature around them, people can understand the importance of the animal itself and the work that Boehm has done. Secondly Boehm should start immediately to find more artists that can continue creating pieces like Edward Marshall Boehm did. Not any artist is capable of doing such tasks. These artists must be well known and appreciate the charm of nature and the loveliness of animals. Another suggestion is for Boehm to find more stores to sell his pieces. These stores should be located in the states we mentioned before (Alaska, California, Oregon, Montana, Colorado). Lastly, we think that Mr. Boehm’s company should open a new line of products, Jewelry. Jewelry is always in high demand. By creating a Jewelry line, Boehm Inc. can bring in new customers and another smaller price range of products. By doing so, Boehm’s vision and mission can be carried out in places that have some of the most well known nature and animals around. Boehm should not lose out on their biggest opportunity, to expand into new markets. Through all of our research and our SWOT analysis, we have come to a specific recommendation. Edward Marshall Boehm should update their online store, so that people have a better understanding of the nature and beauty within the piece. The company should also sell to more states. Especially states that have a large nature aspect to them. Boehm Inc. should also consider looking for new artists with the passion of nature and animals. If they do that, they can continue to grow their product line while bringing in possible new ideas. Another suggestion we have is to consider possible endorsement. Endorsement can bring a lot of awareness to the company. Mr. Boehm wants people to realize the beauty of nature and animals and what better way to do so then endorsement. By doing these things, Edward Marshall Boehm Inc. should be able to continue growing their business while still focusing on Mr. Boehm’s vision and mission which is to appreciate nature and the charm animals and life brin g to it.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Drowned Out

Ivana Aleksich November 1, 2012 Film Review: â€Å"Drowned Out† The way this documentary was filmed shows the people who contributed to the film to living and working alongside the villagers and I found this helped capture the candid interviews and the honest and realistic impact of the way villagers of living in India due to the government dam project. Not only do people have to make a choice of whether they Move to the slums in the city, accept a place at a resettlement site or stay at home and drown. This place is not just a piece of land where they live but it is their home, their identity.This reminds me personally of my connection with Serbia. My family has to leave their homeland because of war and invasion. My family did not see this as moving to a better place, but saw it as their homeland being destroyed. Who they are as people dead in a place that no longer exists like it once had. This is how I see the people in the villagers, they are being forced to say goodbye t o a certain part of them, their family, and ancestors forever. In the student presentation relating to the world bank and dams refers to something very important to villagers. Non-material things are what are important to the villagers.After the dam is built, I will drown out the cultural traditions of the villagers, create development of affected communities in isolation, and cultural shift, new lifestyles and attitudes. The documentary follows the villagers of Jalsindhi. This village is in Madhya Pradesh on the banks of the Narmada River about ten miles upstream from the Sardar Sarovar project. The 76 villages struggle through a battle against the dam. The lead character is Luharia Sonkaria, who is the village’s medicine man, a role that was his father’s and grandfather’s before him. The government provides them no viable alternatives.The government offers unusable land a hundred miles away or a small sum of money in compensation for their river-side land. The film documents hunger strikes, rallies, and a six year Supreme Court case, and finally follows the villagers as the dam fills and the river starts to rise. The documentary features Arundhati Roy, who has been an outspoken activist bringing international attention to the controversy. Government aims to provide electricity, irrigation and drinking water to tens of millions of people. Government is confident in this claim. The government has a completely difference views of the impact of the dam.They believe the dam will help the people and make them happy. But the government has nothing to lose from this dam project because the people in government do not live in the area that the dam is supposed to floor. The villagers have everything to lose and millions of them did. This brings up the struggle between the rich and the poor/the powerful and the less powerful. The big question that is stated in this documentary is, â€Å"For whom is this development for? † The government trie s to convince the villagers that this is for them and their benefit, but in reality the villagers are not being taken into account for this dam project.This dam development is solely for the purpose the one thing that is universally valued: money and the power of government. Villagers and poor people are not at level in society where they can rely on money and power. They believe in things that the government and money could never find important. Villagers value their traditions and their old lifestyle. The government and the world bank is working to become more modern and to gain more money. For this reason alone, the government is aware of what will happen to the villagers but the government could not understand how hard this project will hurt the villagers and their lives.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Exercise Plan for Football Players Essay

Football, being a very energetic sport, means the players should stay fit and healthy. To do this they have a specific exercise plan, this will ensure that the players will not get tired throughout the ninety minute game. In this assignment I am going to devise a possible exercise and fitness plan for this sport. In it I will include, gentle exercise, low level stretch, curl ups for abdominal muscles and mobilising exercises for shoulders and hips. I will include plans for exercises with and without the use of weights. I will add an exercise regime table. I will then evaluate my work. At first the players will have to do a Gentle exercise to warm up. This will help to try and prevent any injuries that may occur, whilst completing the rest of the exercise plan. At first the players will have to stretch their muscles, starting from the top of their bodies. Head and Neck Rotation. * Begin by tilting head back slightly. * Draw chin forwards and level the head. * Keeping head level, return to upright. * Tilt chin forwards, towards the chest. * Ease head backwards, leaving chin downwards * Finish by slowly raising the chin and head back to the upright position. The deep stretch – Stand upright with feet hip width apart. Lock fingers together behind back. Gently ease the elbows up and away from the body, until the stretch is felt. Hold this for 20 to 30 seconds. Press-ups – Start with your hands flat on the floor, underneath shoulders. Support body on toes, keeping legs straight. Pull in stomach; bend elbows out 90 and lower chest towards the floor. Inhaling at the same time. Press back up to the starting position whilst exhaling. Keep head level. Do not lift it too high as this places a strain on the neck and can result in injury. Repeat this for 2 sets of 10. Latissimus Dorsi Stretch – Stand with feet hip width apart pulling in the abdomen muscles. Hold one arm straight over the head, lean sideways from the hip joint, ensuring you keep the hips level. Extend arm until a stretch is felt. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds breathing easily throughout. Repeat this stretch on the other side. Repeat for 2 sets of 10 on each side. Triceps Stretch – With abdominal contracted and back straight, place the fingers of one hand in between the shoulder blades. Support this arm by placing the other hand on the elbow. Apply gentle pressure by pushing the elbow down the spine with the supporting hand. Feel the stretch in the back of the arm. Breathe evenly throughout. Hold this for 10 to 20 seconds. Repeat on the other side. Basic Crunch – Lie on back with knees up. Feet hip width apart, abdominal sucked in and hands at side of head (Not at Back of head). Exhale, squeeze up raising shoulders a little way off the ground. Hold for a moment then slowly ease down inhaling. For a more advanced stretch, lift legs off the floor whilst raising shoulders. Repeat this for 2 sets of 10. Oblique curl – Lie flat on back with knees up, feet hip width apart, keep right shoulder and lower back pressed tightly into the floor. Whilst exhaling contract the abdominal and with left arm reach over to the right knee, until a stretch is felt, in the midsection whilst lifting the left shoulder slightly off the floor. Hold for a moment, then whilst inhaling lower back to floor. For a more advances stretch raise feet off floor and reach for toes. Repeat this for 2 sets of 10. Calf Stretch – Standing with feet facing forwards, hip width apart, take a step forward with the right leg, keeping the knee slightly bent. Press the heel of right leg into the floor until the stretch is felt in the rear calf muscle of this leg. Hold this for 20 to 30 seconds, keeping weight centred over the hips, step backwards with the right leg to return to start position. Repeat using the other leg. Squats (Quads, Hamstrings and Gluteals.) – Stand with abdominal contracted and feet hip width apart, arms should be stretched in front. Bend at knees lowering the body and inhaling while doing so. Thighs should remain parallel to the floor and head should be kept in line with the spine. Do not lean too far forward as this places stress on the lower back and makes the exercise less effective. Hold momentarily at the bottom position then whilst exhaling return to the starting position. Repeat this 10 times. This completes the warm up exercise. For the aerobic workout, the players should jog for a minimum of thirty minutes. In this jog they should include side stepping and also skipping. After thirty minutes the pace should be reduced to a brisk walk, this should be done for five minutes. Following the brisk walk, the pace should again be reduced to a relaxed walk; this should also be done for five minutes. When the players have completed their aerobic work out a warm down should take place. In the warm down, some stretches that were used in the warm up, should be used again. Warming down is very important. If warming down does not take place, it will make the muscles feel sore and tender. It could also lead to injury. When using weight machines for exercise, you must always check that it is on the correct weight for you. Flat Dumbbell Press (Chest) – This exercise can be performed on a flat of inclined bench, keep abdominal contracted and lower back flat onto the bench, take a 5kg dumbbell in each hand and hold tem in a 90 angle to your body. Lift the dumbbells in an arc above the chest until they almost touch. Return to start position. Repeat this 10 times. Seated Row (Back) – Take an elastic band and sit on the floor with legs extended in front. Make sure back is straight and abdominal are contracted. Pull elastic with arms until there Is a slight tension in the band. Squeeze elbows slowly backwards increasing the tension in the band. Exhale as you do this. Return to start position, inhaling while doing so. Lateral Pull down (Back) – Before starting this exercise; check the weights are at 5kgs and adjust the seat level. Sit with feet flat on the floor. Abdominal contracted and back straight. Lower body is stabilised by the leg pad which rests on your thighs. Use a wide over hand grip, pull down bar, to level with upper chest, exhaling. Squeeze back muscles at bottom position. Slowly return bar to the starting position, inhaling while doing so. Repeat this 10 to 20 times. Timing: 4 seconds up. 4 seconds down. Biceps Curl – Take a 3kg Dumbbell, in your right hand, stand with feet, hip width apart and abdominal contracted. Straighten arm holding the dumbbell towards the floor. Squeeze the dumbbell upwards until level with the shoulder, exhaling while doing so. Momentarily squeeze your bicep at top position. In a slow controlled movement lower the arm to starting position. Repeat this 10 times and then swap arms. Leg Press – Again check weights are at 5kgs and adjust the seat. Start with the hips and knees at 90 to your trunk with your feet flat on the foot support. Keep lower back and head in contact with the back support and grip the bars. Push your lower body up and away from the foot support slowly breathing out, make sure feet stay flat on the floor support and a stretch should be felt in the whole of the upper leg. Hold this momentarily in the top position before slowly returning to start position, inhaling as you do so. Repeat this 20 times. This completes the warm up exercise for the exercises using weights. For this aerobic Exercise, the players should spend 15 minutes jogging of Hill walking on a treadmill followed by 15 minutes on a cross trainer. After this they should then spend 10 minutes on a rowing machine, gently rowing to ease the pace. When the players have finished their aerobic workout, a warm down should take place. Again in this warm down some stretches from the warm up will be used, this will help prevent muscle soreness or any injuries.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Programming Languages Essay

The advent of the modern era gave rise to the growth of the importance of computers and technology to the lives of the humans. The ease with which using computers is associated has attracted users to further improve the way computers can better serve humans. One of the ways that computer was improved was through programming languages. Programming languages was developed and was further enhanced. A programming language is defined as an artificial language essential in writing instructions (â€Å"Programming Language†) and computer programs in a series of instructions that humans can understand and compilers and linkers can read. This program is then translated into a machine code that the computer can understand and run (Bolton). Programming languages did not come easy, as its first inventions were difficult to operate. In the 1940s, computer programs required programmers to write the sequences of digits that the computer performed. It was not just difficult but was bound to errors. Programmers were supposed to write memory locations. This was not possible at all times when there are errors (â€Å"Programming Language†). This proved to be inefficient and slow. Soon computer languages were developed to address these problems (Bolton). Some of the programming languages used then are Fortran, Cobol, and Basic. These were the programming languages that were used during the 1960s and the 1970s (Bolton). Fortran, which stands the for Formula Translation, was the first language to be developed by IBM during the late 1950s. This language gives importance to the efficiency of compilation and execution. Cobol, on the other hand, was developed during the 1960s as a business application language for mini and mainframe programming (â€Å"Cobol†). Another programming language that was developed in 1960s that was used for microcomputer programming purposes is BASIC (â€Å"Programming Language†). It stands for Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. BASIC was developed to be an alternative for Fortran (Smillie). Today, the widely used programming languages are C, C++, and Java. The C programming language was developed in 1970s at the Bell Telephone Laboratories for the Operating Systems (Bolton), and was used for commercial applications (â€Å"Programming Language†). It was developed mainly as a systems language for the UNIX environment (Smillie). It is still used today on Unix and Linux systems (Bolton). The C++ programming language, on the other hand, was developed in 1980s at AT&T Bell Laboratories (â€Å"Programming Language†) and is the oldest among the three (Akhverdyan). Its developers considered it to be a superset of C, and both were used for the introductory computing courses (Smillie). The primary purpose for developing the language was adding Object Oriented Programming to C (Bolton). The computer programming industry liked to use C++ because it allows the allocation of memory and deleting it whenever the user wants. Moreover, C++ contains the features that Java offers, and it allows the user to make the program in an â€Å"object oriented manner† (Akhverdyan). Java was developed by Sun, mainly designed to write programs for computer chips in electronic appliances. Later on, Java was discovered to be ideal for designing and implementing programs for the Internet (Smillie). It is easier to use because its commands are English based, and not in numeric codes. Further, humans can easily read and write in Java (Leahy). It is better than the previously mentioned programming languages because it has an applet, a feature that only Java has. Applets are used in the World Wide Web. Another feature of Java is that it is cross-platform, which means that the code written in Windows can be compiled in other operating systems (Bolton). Other characteristics of Java are its ease of use, security, reliability and platform independence (Leahy). Works Cited Akhverdyan, Hamik. 2009 January 5. How to Choose the Right Programming Language. Associated Content. 12 January 2009 . Bolton, David. 2009. What is a Programming Language? Associated Content. 12 January 2009 . â€Å"Cobol. † 2008. Answers. com. 12 January 2009 . Leahy, Paul. 2009. What is Java? About. com. 12 January 2009 . â€Å"Programming Language. † 2008. Answers. com. 12 January 2009 . Smillie, Keith. 2006. â€Å"Programming Then and Now: From the LGP-30 to the laptop. † 12 January 2009 .